I already know I m an alcoholic so why do I need AA?

2017-03-24 10:48 am
AA is just a bunch of people sitting around talking about how their all alcoholics, I already know I m an alcoholic, I don t see a point in sitting in a circl holding hands with strangers and telling them I m a drunk. What I really need is detox, what s the point of AA if I already know I m a drunk

回答 (7)

2017-03-24 11:02 am
Really? Clearly you haven't been to an AA meeting. They all know that they're alcoholics, too. It's not a way to discover that you're an alcoholic. It's a way to find sobriety and maintain it.

You may need detox or you may not, but either way, AA can help you.

It's not like detox just magically works to get you off alcohol and stay off. You'll need help staying away. That's what AA is for.

Oh, and you don't hold hands, either.
2017-03-24 11:17 am
Getting sober is about more than no longer drinking. Being an addict affects every decision you make every minute of the day, unfortunately you're oblivious to that fact. You, like most alcoholics, are good at rationalizing your behavior and the chaos around you. Strangers share their cautionary tales and what substance abuse has cost them. They share with those who would learns from their mistakes. AA is about fixing the toxic thinking that makes you drink.
2017-03-24 11:03 am
They are there as your support team. Most people can't quit alcohol alone, Instead of taking a drink, you go to a meeting or call your sponsor. Remember it's one day at a time. you just decide that you're not going to drink today. Don't make the decision for tomorrow. Make the same decision tomorrow, and so on. Good luck and Godspeed.
2017-03-25 2:44 am
AA is about doing the 12 steps and finding some one who as done them and can guide you through them.
It is one thing to be dry and another to be sober, AA is about living a sober life in such a way that there is no need to drink to deal with life.
2017-03-24 5:45 pm
AA is so you can learn ways to kick your addiction, learn tactics to resist addictive substances, accept yourself for anything you may or may not have done under the influence, and probably make some friends.
2017-03-24 10:50 am
If that's the way you look at it....then don't go, it won't help you. AA is for people with an open mind. Keep cutting back, and then stop. There's your detox. It's not heroin. Grow a pair.
2017-03-24 10:49 am
no go to hell

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