Would you leave your house alone for a two week vacation?

2017-03-24 4:03 am
I am planning on leaving my family's house for two weeks in the summer. My family (who owns the home) will be away for 3 months so if I go on vacation, the house will be empty besides our tenant who lives upstairs. My father rents out an upstairs apartment to a single man. The man has been here for many years and seems responsible. Nevertheless, my father is scared of me leaving the house unattended for two weeks with only the tenant around. He is afraid of fires and whatnot. He is also afraid of hiring a house sitter because he doesn't trust many people. He is refusing that I go on vacation during that time despite it being the only possible time I can go for my job. In your opinion, would you or have you ever left your house alone for weeks at a time due to vacation?

回答 (16)

2017-03-24 4:56 am
Yes I have, and I'll do it again.

Tell your father to "suck it up, buttercup." The property will be fine.
2017-03-24 5:28 am
I do it all of the time but I do ask neighbors to watch for strange activity. I find it odd that he will allow someone to live I his house for years but does not trust the man to watch over it for two weeks
2017-03-24 4:52 am
People do it all he time. Tell him tough luck, but he's away for 3 months, not your problem.
2017-03-24 6:49 am
no, I have probably never left this house I am in for more than a few days, I too have those same misgivings but if the tenant has been there that many years, he is certainly reliable to oversee the property while everyone is gone, after all it is his home too, at least the part he pays for
2017-03-24 5:36 am
Go on your vacation! *If* there is a fire, etc. - THAT is why he pays for homeowner's insurance. Have fun!
2017-03-24 5:05 am
Yes, and Yes. Is there any possibility of having a family member stop by every few days to check on the house/ or having someone house-sit. Lots of ppl do this as a profession and can be reliably sourced. Is there any reason the tenant can keep an eye on things and call if there are issues?
2017-03-25 8:56 am
I know of a reliable loan company that can give you loan.
[email protected]

This is no joke.
They are perfect and they are legit
2017-03-25 3:58 am
Of course. You stop all mail and mention to the police you will be away.
Make sure your property insurance provides full replacement and is up to date.
2017-03-24 6:54 am
I would prefer to not leave it empty too but, we have done in the past. Your father could ask a neighbor to check on the house but, probably the best thing to do would be to make it look like someone is there. Buy a couple of light timers and set them to come on at 7 p.m. and off at 7 a.m. and put one in the kitchen and another one in another part of the house. You can also leave a radio on so that if someone does break in and they hear the radio, maybe they will turn around and leave, preferring to not encounter anyone.
2017-03-24 4:19 am
Yes I have.

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