Will scientific advancement prove religon incorrect?

2017-03-24 1:39 am
For example, the creation of life in labs. Proof of the Big Bang.

回答 (25)

2017-03-24 1:42 am
It already has. We know that the creation myth in the Bible is incorrect.
2017-03-24 1:46 am
Scientists have not created life from scratch! Let them show you personally that they can create life without using any of the physical materials already in existence!
參考: jw.org brochures Was Life Created and The Origin of Life
2017-03-24 2:16 am
No, it won't! A great example of this is that more and more intellectuals and other people worldwide are converting to Christianity (Christianity is the most converted to religion in the world) because more and more scientists, etc are seeing that when they study the Universe, etc, they are genuinely seeing evidence for intelligent design by God.

Young Earth Creationism is on the rise due to this, and I think it's great! I honestly believe that further observational scientific advancement will lead to even more evidence of the Earth being young as recorded in Genesis, in the Old Testament, in the Bible, and this will then lead to even more intellectuals and lots of other people converting to Christianity and becoming Young Earth Creationists like me and billions of other Christians!
參考: I'm a proud Christian
2017-03-25 9:45 pm
Although there are religions that are incorrect, but the one that serve the true God.
Deuteronomy 32:4
4 The Rock, perfect is his activity,+
For all his ways are justice.+
A God of faithfulness+ who is never unjust;+
Righteous and upright is he.+
Psalm 1:1-3
1 Happy is the man who does not walk according to the advice of the wicked
And does not stand on the path of sinners+
And does not sit in the seat of scoffers.+
2 But his delight is in the law of Jehovah,+
And he reads His law in an undertone* day and night.+
3 He will be like a tree planted by streams of water,
A tree that produces fruit in its season,
The foliage of which does not wither.
And everything he does will succeed.+
2017-03-24 3:24 am
Will scientific advancement prove religon incorrect?

- High school intelligence can do that.
2017-03-24 2:04 am
Why is it at so many people think the Big Bang disproves God? Einstein hated the Big Bang and even falsified data to try and disprove it because Einstein saw that the Big Bang supported the Genesis account.
2017-03-24 2:01 am
Scientific advancements prove the Bible to be true not false. Man has not created anything from labs, something from nothing.
2017-03-24 1:44 am
2017-03-24 1:41 am
No, because there will always be the question of, "Where did that come from?"
2017-03-24 10:01 am
You ASSUME a lot w/o any support or evidence in fact.

To date nobody has ever observed a organism produce viable offspring that was not just a variation of itself. Additionally nobody has ever observed the formation of a novel family or genus produced by an organism of a different family or genus. So why would anyone tell us this is a "fact"?

Abiogenesis has never been observed either in or outside the lab. Anyone associated with science knows this to be true.

Matter cannot cause itself, nor can matter produce the immaterial, yet the media spreads this misinformation as "has been done" or "about to be done", or "almost done." Show me someone outside of science that believes abiogenesis isn't real or at least probable (not possible, too easy). Your propaganda machine for evolution is very successful in this regard.

Despite the spectacular failure of ALL experiments to demonstrate abiogenesis, they have spread this unproven doctrine far and wide. Even if we do figure out how to create life, we already know empirically (observed) that it cannot occur naturally; proven.

The point here is that if life CANNOT occur naturally, then evolution has no beginning, and there is no cure for the myth/lie of evolution from unfounded OPINION. Evolution has no evidence that can sustain it, and will be gone in 10 years, in my time.

If and when scientists actually do produce life from non-life in the lab the only thing they will have succeeded in doing is demonstrating life as a product of intelligent design... Which is exactly what the theists have been saying all along!

Whether or not scientists finally discover how to produce life from non-life is irrelevant to evolution because it cannot occur naturally. But science and the media and you PRETEND it does matter, or the fact that we're even close is "proof" of evolution.

It's in these small matters that evolution is a lie from it's core, every time you peel back another layer reveals another lie.

Given that evolution only works in the text books used to indoctrinate our children and not the real world it really is a moot question.

There are a lot of things that work on paper but not in the real world, it is a bit irrational to confuse reality with such things.

By the Big Bang model, only two elements were present at that time, helium and hydrogen. Okay, some heavier elements are formed from intense heat of the Bang, but how did the other 90 elements or so come about? No further EXPLANATION needed, unless you can EXPLAIN the origin of matter. The children will love your story though.

The Big Bang Model is anti-science because it violates the laws of physics and law of conservation, is self-contradictory, has absurd implications (Boltzman Brain), and refutes itself.

Additionally if one defines the natural world as the universe, if one asserts the universe created itself using natural laws that govern the universe one has a serious problem. For the universe to create itself using that natural laws that govern the universe then both must exist before they existed which by definition is an absurdity. As a result the only rational explanation for the universe coming into existence is an outside cause. That is, unless in your pretend world, you think matter can cause other matter, or produce the immaterial; an absurdity.

The laws that govern the universe preclude it from not having a beginning, and no matter how how you slice it, you cannot escape an external cause for the Physical Universe. According to the evidence of the observed origin of matter and life from the Bible, I call that cause, God, you can call it Bob. Get around Bob the uncaused cause before you tell more stories of unfounded, unsupported OPINION.

Philosophically, you would have to refute Aristotle's Prime Mover, the one Creator God of the Bible with evidence of your own to even assert something other than divine Creation, the only contender left standing with sustainable evidence.

Science has been confirming the Bible for hundreds of years for the truth it contains, and thus, the validity of Christianity. Nelson Glueck a Jewish scientist, and universally esteemed as one of the greatest archaeologists, said that no archaeological discovery has ever contradicted the Bible.

Many atheists and humanists oppose biblical Christianity, but science does not; fact is there is no empirically supported scientific claim that in any way is in conflict with Christianity. The same cannot be said for evolution, abiogenesis, or Big Bang. And atheism, you cannot give even one argument asserting atheism as a truth that does not rely on one or more logical fallacies. Pick your poison and speak the lie of OPINION.

The Bible is not a science book, but I'm not aware of ANY instance where the Bible DOES touch on science, that it has been proven incorrect. How can anyone DENY the evidence of the Bible and the scoreboard, when science corrects itself (proven incorrect?) almost daily?

The inconsistencies and contradictions of the atheist are multitudinous. Denial makes you delusional; disconnected from reality, openly dishonest and at war with yourself; about as idiotic and mythical as any child can dream up.

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