Why do some countries ban other religions, but especially Jehovah's witnesses, when they are peaceful?

2017-03-23 4:34 am

回答 (12)

2017-03-23 5:41 am
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Sharia forbids proselytising any religion but Islam, it requires Christians to pay the jizya tax, live as second-class citizens, and keep quiet about Christianity. Mostly Muslim governments will only recognise the established churches that have been there for centuries.

Quotation from Islam Q&A,
"The Muslims believe that other people who are following other religions are not following any true religion, so the Muslims do not allow others to send missionaries to build churches in Muslim countries."

If you were to go door-knocking in a Sharia-country you would be quickly arrested. Even the fact that you deny the Trinity would not be good enough for a Muslim. And any Muslim who converted out of Islam faces the death penalty. They do not regard any attempt to convert a Muslim as "peaceful".

Is this what you are thinking of? Or do you have some other country in mind?

The Jehovah's Witnesses were not really set up to convert Muslims anyway, as the Muslims are already in Satan's grasp. They were set up to revive the heresy of Arianism and to cause confusion amongst those who would otherwise accept true Christianity.
2017-03-23 5:53 am
Because Trinitarians egg on the governments telling them that we are no good.
2017-03-23 4:36 am
Because they are unbelievably annoying.
2017-03-23 4:55 am
Propagating the exclusivity and supremacy of their religion could get them guilty of inciting religious hatred under some legislations... their cult tactics and the refused military service is not viewed OK by many governments...
2017-03-23 5:46 am
Not "especially," just including.
2017-03-23 5:44 pm
Preaching to people that their government is getting ready to be destroyed by Jehovah's Kingdom leaves a bad taste in their mouth.
2017-03-23 12:11 pm
cause theyre being mean is why, not much you can do about it
2017-03-23 5:56 am
Because they're a cult who scam money from vulnerable people.
2017-03-23 4:36 am
Insecure governments with a tenuous grasp of power need to learn how to use tv, titties, booze, and weed to keep the masses from uprising.
2017-03-23 4:37 am

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