Why do dems want trump impeached, there is clearly no ground for it.?

2017-03-22 10:58 pm
Like truly it s pathetic I never did this under obama but it feels the same but a bit worse then it used to be seriously has the left gone insane?, he hasn t done anything wrong but all you say is impeach, I need both sides to find out why I don t have the news anymore and media is so bias I need actual opinions, no articales just opinions. Right and left .

回答 (15)

2017-03-22 11:00 pm
Have you seen what he's doing to our economy? He's destroying it he's already made our country a laughing stock and he's literally a rapist I think you need to look into candidates you support. Also yes you did want Obama impeached because if the birth certificate thing, I'm not even a liberal I'm just not stupid the Republican Party hates trump look how many senators refused to back him
2017-03-22 11:06 pm
Well Trump has:
- Fabricated stories about prior presidents
- Issued an Executive Order camoflauged to limit muslim immigration
- Bashed the judicial system for disagreeing with him
- Blamed the military and Obama for covert mission failures
- Attempted to replace ACA with a healthcare policy expecting to increase rates across the board for middle class (while providing cuts for high income families)
- Has refused to release taxes after promising to do so.
- Blamed the UK for wiretapping him during the campaign trail the week before he met with the PM.
- Refused to remove himself from his own personal investments, providing avenues for using the presidency as an alternative source of marketing.

Can we not agree the guy is at least a sketchball?
2017-03-22 11:05 pm
Trumpcare will not make America Great. It will cost more and provide less for the poor and elderly. Why do Americans paying the highest prices in the world for the same medicines. Please fix that. America has bargaining power in its number of people taking medicines. We already have 13 year olds taking 2 or 3 prescription drugs.
2017-03-22 11:03 pm
They're still upset that Clinton lost and they want Trump out, by any means possible. Pointing out that there's no evidence to impeach him doesn't help--you can't reason with them; you just have to hope they'll calm down eventually.
2017-03-23 4:49 am
Sorry kid, but the general view in Washington these days among our representatives is that saying he's unstable is being too kind, most of them who assumed he'd give them cover for their profit margin enlarging activities aren't seeing it that way anymore.
There's still an ongoing investigation against him & his associates, & that's got many of them worried he'll take them down with him, so saying it's just Democrats probably isn't accurate......
2017-03-22 11:29 pm
You don't need facts, just opinions? What? Use facts to form your Own opinions.
I am an independent who voted for Gary Johnson. I have no 'skin' in this game. That said, there are several reasons for the possibility of impeachment to be raised.
1. The greatest one in my opinion is the ongoing conflict of interested with Trump and his business interests in foreign countries, including Russia and China. He Claims not to be involved but the man is still the head of this business empire and you can Bet he is receiving requests for special consideration from foreign countries in return for business advantages. This is clearly against the constitution and has been an issue since before he was sworn in.
2. It is obvious he has surrounded himself with people who do not have the welfare of the citizenry of the country in their minds. His executive orders on travel bans and the stopping of immigration for certain countries has no constitutional basis. This calls into question how much he is really adhering to his oath to 'preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States'.
3. The whole Russian connection is ongoing and any wrong doing has yet to be determined, but the fact the man was under investigation before he was even elected is troubling. Not a reason for impeachment yet, but it could play a role.
2017-03-22 11:19 pm
BS! Republicans were after Obama from the day he won!

I remember your fellow conservatives here on YA cheering on the collapse of the dollar under Obama! They did that until someone pointing out only traitors would cheer for the destruction of our economy!
2017-03-22 11:07 pm
Most of the ignorant do not understand that it takes a crime to initiate impeachment. Bullshetting is not a crime.
2017-03-22 11:01 pm
Despite the predictions of President Obama being the last US president to serve full term, I am not sure he should be impeached for being a business man and a globalist.
2017-03-22 11:01 pm
They are sore losers.

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