Do you think OJ Simpsons trial would have been as publicized had his wife been Black?

2017-03-22 8:50 pm

回答 (8)

2017-03-22 10:15 pm
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Honestly? No. Had he killed 2 black people the world eould have never known about it. But to be fair he he been white and killed two black people there would have been massive OUTRAGE that he got off. Protests. Al Sharpton and his rent-a-mob picketing outside a police station "no justice no peace" you would see massive anger tward OJ simpson had he been white and nichole and ron been black
2017-03-23 2:50 am
Probably not quite as much.
2017-03-22 9:24 pm
Possibly, since he was a football legend back then.
2017-03-22 9:08 pm
Not really. I found it colorful enough, in fact.
2017-03-22 8:51 pm
Yes, most definitely.
2017-03-22 9:07 pm
O.J. & Nicole were legally divorced in 1992, so there was no "Wife", but him being an international celebrity, made the victim(s) race basically inconsequential.
2017-03-22 9:00 pm
yes,he's a celebrity
2017-03-22 8:56 pm

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