Men: Why wouldn't he respond?

2017-03-22 12:20 pm
I'm seeing this guy. We've been friends for 4 years but now we're seeing eachother. Thursday when we were at the gym he came up to me and teased me and then said "so if I don't have to work this weekend, I'll call u & we'll do something" I said great and asked which day he has to work to which he didn't know yet but smiled and starred at me before he left.

Saturday comes & i text him "Hey sexy, any updates?" He never responded. Is he no longer interested in me? He said we should get together this weekend. It wasn't my idea. I'll see him when he comes to the gym where I work sometime this week but I don't know how to act now. He's NEVER ignored me in the 4 yrs I've known him

回答 (2)

2017-03-22 1:02 pm
Wow, that's not a text a guy would typically ignore. hahaha. I'm guessing there was some reason, maybe it didn't go thru to him and got lost out there somewhere. Anyways, be real cool when you see him at the gym. Be friendly like you typically are and straight up ask him. Maybe even make a flirty joke about him standing you up or something. Good luck!

Answer Mine Please?
2017-03-22 12:48 pm
Chill! First of all please do chill. Like you said, you've known him for 4 years and he's never ignored you. It's VERY likely that something was up over the weekend and he was busy or occupied. Life is like that, remember? If you have any faith in him and feel you know him, give him some credit and stop playing Dr. Freud and trying to analyze his not responding. You could also try actually calling him or texting him again.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:19:12
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