請幫忙中文翻譯為英文,謝謝. 年齡不代表成熟 知識不代表智慧 做個成熟有智慧的人 講該講的話 不要講想講的話?

2017-03-22 9:43 am

回答 (3)

2017-03-22 10:29 am
Maturity grows not with age.
Wisdom comes not with knowledge.
Be mature and wise - say not what you want to say but what should be.
2017-03-22 10:51 am
Age does not equal(mean) maturity
Knowledge does not equal(mean) wisdom
Be a matured and wise person
Say what should be said
Don t just say what you wanted to say

2017-03-22 10:48 am
Maturity does not mean age. Wisdom does not come with knowledge. Be a man with wisdom and maturity. Say what you should say, not you want say.

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