I just paid off all my credit card debts at once. Will my credit go up significantly, or will it take a while?

2017-03-22 9:19 am
I was in for 20 grand debt, and just paid it all off today.

回答 (2)

2017-03-22 2:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Credit always builds gradually over time and that is indeed the best way to build it. However, there is one more aspect to credit scores. Have you paid them off with own money or have you taken another loan to transfer the debt? In that case your outstanding liability remains as is. So it may have no real impact on your score whatsoever.

Secondly, if you stop using your credit cards henceforth, which some people do because they don't want to walk down the same road again, then you will surely end up ruining your credit even further.

To have a healthy credit score make sure you maintain a steady use and repay pattern, paying in time every month and let your credit score grow over time.
2017-03-22 10:54 am
Ccongrats - good job! It will go up gradually.
2017-03-25 8:49 am
I know of a reliable loan company that can give you loan.
[email protected]

This is no joke.
They are perfect and they are legit
2017-03-22 11:18 am
It will take some time for it all to be processed. Give it a month and then check with the credit reporting agencies.

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