How the hell did Trump win?

2017-03-22 8:25 am

回答 (13)

2017-03-22 8:47 am
he ran against the most hated woman in America
2017-03-22 8:26 am
People got sick of the satanic Marxist elite stirring up violent revolutions & destroying western values.
2017-03-22 8:54 am
The democrats were scared of Bush and Rubio , So they colluded with the press .Trump got more airtime . They thought Trump was weak .
Trump won the Nomination ,The Press panic and started their full scale attacks . The democrats tried their old tricks on him and failed . The press had fake polls Hillary 91% chance to win MSNBC . The democrats wanted Trump and they destroyed their party .
參考: Glenn Greenwald Democracy Now youtube
2017-03-22 8:50 am
Democrats ran an absolutely terrible candidate against him. They did this to follow up a charismatic product of media's affection that ended up letting them all down.
2017-03-22 8:45 am
It was a few parts. There was of course many reasons, but i feel these are the one that played the largest part.

1) The democratic party robbing Bernie Sanders of the nomination (which Bernie was seen as the 'hero of the millennials'), and ran with the the least likable presidential candidate in the history of our country... (Especially given her health issues. she is more on deaths door than Bernie is). Then to top it off, she runs with the worst vice president of all time (she even wrote a book a few years back saying kaine would be the worst choice for VP)...

So it deeply divided the democratic party, with many of their supporters either supporting 3rd party candidates or trump himself. Just on the fact Bernie didn't win, and they were the worst possible president and vice president combination you can possibly choose...

Bernie touted being the "anti-establishment" candidate. Hillary is the living embodiment of the establishment. Trump was the only option left for the anti-establishment candidate.

2) Gamergate and wikileaks. I feel Gamergate is what opened (my) and many other peoples eyes to the fuckery going on behind the scenes in journalism and the media. It was the "redpill" which awoke many people to the huge media bias and manipulation of data. Wikileaks pretty much continued on where gamergate left off. Except where gamergate dealt more with the gaming industry and wikileaks was revealing the same **** was happening on a national and even global scale.

All the elites of the world really are conspiring to remain in power and try to manipulate and control everyone to stay in power. And they truly think everyone else not in the top 1% are nothing but trash, like literally.

3) Our country was struggling economically. Both as a country (in the global market) and as individuals that make up the working class. The working class was suffering to the point of breaking. (the out of touch elites, like those in the actors guild and etc, dont seem to realize the working class IS the country).

But despite all of this, the out of touch elites just spat on the working class. The actors guild even said they would go on strike if trump wins. Trying to make it seem as though the working class needs them in order to survive, rather than the working class being the ones who are paying those actors, not the other way around. This only further distanced any chance of Hillary and the democratic party of winning. Even those in STEM fields were flabbergasted by this. Those in entertainment, media and politics really seem to hold themselves on a high pedestal above everyone else. Even if someone were to cure cancer, they would be mere trash in comparison (in their minds). So they not only are helping push away the working class, but even those in STEM fields.

The only ones really supporting Hillary were those in the entertainment industry, the tech industry (since trump is going to very much affect their bottom lines, since almost the entire industry is based on cheap out of country labor), the media, and the elites of the world. (And those who were manipulated by those groups of people)

Hillary, the democratic party were so far out of touch with reality, that they didn't have a single shred of support from anyone in the working class. They alienated half of the country, and didn't campaign very well at all (because they were so sure they would win, so didn't even bother campaigning. Which is in itself absolutely insane), meanwhile trump was visiting the people and talking to them like equals, while Hillary would barely grace people by spitting on them. (how could she possibly lose? lol)

4) Lastly i think it was also partly due to SJWs and the marxist revolution taking place in our country and all over the world. It got so out of hand that it was pushing people to trump, just because trump was basically destroying any hopes of fueling the marxists revolution from taking power. If anything his victory nearly guaranteed the destruction of any foothold the SJWs/marxists had. People from both the working class, and STEM fields are fed up with political correctness (ie marxism values), and it really helped push trump to victory.

And all the dank memes of course. Trump supporters had the most dank memes, thus trump won. that simple. This is a good channel to follow if you want to know more about what is going on.
2017-03-22 8:59 am
Hillary felt it was her turn to be. coronated, but 8 years of Obama had America sick of the LEFT.
2017-03-22 8:26 am
because national IQ has dropped dramatically
2017-03-22 3:40 pm
Enough people thought he would bring back all their high paying jobs overnight.
They still have not worked it out.
2017-03-22 9:41 am
Because America contains way too many idiots
2017-03-22 8:54 am
His best friend Putin and his true allies.
2017-03-22 4:40 pm
He probably just bribed people and had the electoral system rigged.
2017-03-22 8:57 am
the legacy of slavery that stains Lady Liberty's Dress even today.
2017-03-22 8:39 am
Trump hacked his way in.

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