Harmon Kardon Onyx Studio Speaker question?

2017-03-22 6:02 am
I have a Harmon Kardon Onyx Studio Speaker, hasnt been used for a while since it was unable to turn on. Is there anyone that knows if these speakers need a system update or is there anyway to hard reset these speakers?

回答 (3)

2017-03-22 9:42 pm
There is no software update on their website so my best guess would be there is no update that will fix them.


You can always call them to see what they say.
2017-03-22 10:13 am



2017-03-23 12:02 am
Have you tried pressing and holding the power button for several seconds. I thought it was just press the power button to turn on but then I read the owners manual and it said to press and hold power button for at least 3 seconds. Lo and behold it turned on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:18:59
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