I'm away from home helping my mom take care of Grammy and we are both almost to our breaking point.?

2017-03-22 5:44 am
My mom and Grammy don't get along to well and mom goes into a rage at least once every day and screams at everyone and breaks things in the house. Grammy needs help with everything, going to the bathroom, making and eating her food, getting dressed, Everything! I can help with the bathroom and dressing and eating, but I don't really cook well and can't drive to take her places. Me and my mom get into arguments over what to do with Grammy. Mom is going home for a week so I will be alone with Grammy, we have some friends that will help while mom's gone, but when she gets back we will all still be fighting and unhappy. I don't know what to do because I want a break, but I'm scared to leave Grammy alone with my mom for fear of her breaking down and leaving for good, and Grammy refuses to leave the house to go to a care facility, even for just 5 days to give us a break. Please, I don't know if I should just stick it out for however long Grammy has left or if I can trust my mom alone with her or if I should just give up and get on with my life. Also my mom is a recovering alcoholic and the stress of this is making her drink again and she gets violent when she drinks.

She's already on hospice and doesn't have any mental problems that have been diagnosed by doctors.

回答 (3)

2017-03-22 6:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
see if you can get some outside help. Get your Mom out of there asap.
2017-03-22 9:29 am
i wouldnt let your mom around your grandma at all if shes violent, you should check around with the shelters, they sometimes have programs that match up the homeless with people in the community that need help, i once stayed in one that did that and they sent me to babysit this 6 yr old while her mom worked
2017-03-22 5:59 am
Has Grammy been given a diagnosis of any sort? Has a physician stated that she is dying of a particular disease? There are a ton of programs that the government hasn't cancelled yet that offer home health care, someone who comes in to help bathe and dress, tools to help a person retain mobility, If she's terminal within a year... hospice will help with a wide variety of things and RSVP can direct you to volunteers who will come in to be a companion while the caregivers get a couple of hours twice a week to go to the store and attending to their own business. An Independent Living organization can help with wheelchairs, walkers, etc. Meals on Wheels is still fully functional and can bring in a hot meal 4-5x a week. There are resources and places to go to for advice. Get on the phone!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:18:13
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