Is death of loved ones unbearable for atheists?

2017-03-22 12:33 am

回答 (14)

2017-03-22 12:39 am
About the same as everyone else, really.

I've always wondered about this. For believers why are funerals so melancholy? Shouldn't they be vibrant celebrations? After all, you think your loved one is now in heaven and that you'll see them again some day! It shouldn't be any sadder than a child going off to college. Yet funerals are all very somber affairs with a sense of finality...
2017-03-22 12:36 am
Yes, but I would have thought it was unbearable for anyone...
Even if you believe in an afterlife, you still know that you aren't going to see your loved one again for the rest for this life.
If theists believe they'll see their loved ones again someday, why have funerals? Why grieve?
Or do you know the truth deep down?
2017-03-22 2:31 am
oddly....its not any more unbearable than when i was an evangelical christian.

And thats something strange don't you think?

Why do christians mourn at the death of a loved one??
2017-03-22 12:47 am
Why would the death of a loved one be made any more bearable by pretending the loved one took a trip to fantasy land to rent the house next door to the three little pigs and dine out with PeterPan? Seriously only toddlers are swayed by their belief in fairy tales. Are you implying that all Christians are as ignorant and immature as toddlers?? If that's the implication I definitely agree 100%. Rolls eyes.
2017-03-22 12:55 am
No, it is Atheists that are unbearable.
2017-03-22 12:43 am
It's terribly upsetting, but of course it's bearable - we all have to bear it and carry on.
We just have to be happy that we knew them, that we spent time with them, and remember the love or affection we had for them.
But naturally, we're very sad that they've gone.
2017-03-22 2:54 am
No, we deal with reality.
2017-03-22 12:35 am
I guess not. My parents died.
2017-03-22 9:38 am
No more so than with anyone else, but I think your question suggests that you would like it to be.
2017-03-22 12:38 am
Atheists tell their children that dead people are worm food now

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