I broke up with my fiancee because she didn't want to sign a prenup?

2017-03-21 11:06 am
This is kind of a sad story but I broke up with my fiancee because she didn't want to sign a prenup. There are other reasons I could have broke up with her but never had the courage. For one, she would hit me physically when ever she was emotionaly upset. Two, she was emotionaly unstable..like one day she was happy and the other day depressed. I told her I wanted to buy a place together in marriage bit she said she wanted to move in with me and all she would pay for is groceries. I even explain for us to wait until we can afford a place together but she insisted she moves in with me. I advised if she wanted to move in, then sign a prenup stating the condo is mine since she didn't pay for it..but she said it was unloving I didn't trust her. Did I make a mistake? Why couldn't she have wait to buy a place with me? Apparently a prenup means I didn't love her and I'm selfish on her eyes

回答 (12)

2017-03-21 11:20 am
Actually a prenup means you would get 50/50 of everything when you divorce.
I think you chose the wrong woman for you and she is an idiot for thinking that.
2017-03-21 8:07 pm
you don't need a prenup because your condo would not be a marital asset
2017-03-21 3:15 pm
You are too smart for her, most women don't stay where there is no business.
2017-03-21 2:00 pm
You did the right thing. I see it aaaaaallll the time. You dodged a bullet.
2017-03-21 1:55 pm
no, she just knew she couldn't get anything if you had a prenuptial, don't be naive, women do that all the time. most don't care about the prenuptial to prove to the guy they love him. in your case, she didn't love you, you dodged a bullet, good job man
2017-03-21 1:46 pm
You dodged a bullet. If you break up over such a shallow reason, you had no business thinking about marriage. People who really care about each other simply don't get married, not break up.
2017-03-21 1:10 pm
u really need to find out how u form conditional among other things of english grammar
2017-03-21 11:53 am
Most people have good and bad days, and most couples live together prior to getting married (great way to learn if you're compatible or not). If she was having issues you should have helped her get professional help.

My guess is that her version of what you're saying is going to be wildly different, but we digress. Ultimately, you made a decision and now you're learning a lesson that decisions have consequences.
2017-03-21 11:45 am
Since there were numerous signs of incompatibility, you did the right thing.
2017-03-21 11:37 am
You gave her too many chances! Any of your problems should have been enough to break off the engagement. If she didn't want to sign a prenup, because "you didn't trust her" you needed to reply, that if she didn't sign it, it meant she was more interested in your assets than you!!!

This girl was NOT marriage material!!
2017-03-21 11:30 am
You've told us this story in progression now... and we all told you that you didn't sound like you wanted to marry her in the first place previously.

Long engagements are a bore. Supposed to know someone and date and stuff until you are actually ready for a marriage before proposing. Likely that's one reason the "wait to buy a place with me" gig lost all it's luster. You aren't ready to wed anyway.
2017-03-22 11:13 pm
Kim you'd better read those law books you never even looked at. Know what your talking about before you open your mouth.

Nobody likes a sidewalk lawyer.......... shut up

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