what are the odds of a tumor in my kidneys causing cancer or some other problems?

2017-03-21 9:30 am

回答 (7)

2017-03-22 12:33 pm
Tunors don't cause cancer. Tumors either malignant or benign..
2017-03-22 12:12 am
Cysts are very common in the kidney.
2017-03-21 7:33 pm
<sigh> I really wish you children would stop posting questions like this that can really only be answered by a doctor with any degree of accuracy. Any patient that had a tumor on their kidney would have at least a biopsy done to determine the nature of the tumor (malignant or benign), actually what would be most likely is exploratory surgery so that in the event the tumor is malignant they can remove it and enough surrounding tissue to have some degree of hope that they got all of the cancer. In my case they removed the entire kidney.

Doctors don't just discover a tumor and then ignore it. They would tell the patient what the next course of action is.
2017-03-21 11:41 am
tumor? you mean a benign tumor? you need to ask your physicians about this
2017-03-21 10:03 am
Get a biopsy and know for sure.

Odds don't mean anything. If you have cancer, your odds of having cancer is 100%.

If the tumor is benign, the odds drastically decrease.

You want to talk odds?

The odds that I am able to answer this are less than 0.0003%.

The odds of my survival and recovery were nill, yet here I am.
2017-03-21 9:49 am
The odds of a tumor in your kidneys is low. The odds of it causing a problem if you havr a tumour there is high
2017-03-21 9:35 am
i would say very good

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