Christians & Others: Can mankind survive without God's LOVE?

2017-03-21 3:19 am

回答 (9)

2017-03-21 11:49 am
no but some people seem to think so
2017-03-21 3:34 am
No. Never!!!!
2017-03-22 4:30 am
NO and the thing that amazes me are the atheists. The Bible has plenty to say about atheists; Psalm 92:6
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
6 Stupid people don’t know this.
Fools don’t understand.

(Psalm 10:3, 4) For the wicked one boasts about his selfish desires and blesses the greedy one;
He disrespects Jehovah. 4 In his haughtiness, the wicked man makes no investigation;
All his thoughts are: “There is no God.”

Psalm 14:1 King James Version (KJV) 14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The New World Translation says; (Psalm 14:1) 14 The senseless one has said in his heart: “There is no Jehovah.” They have acted ruinously, they have acted detestably in [their] dealing. There is no one doing good.

Isaiah 44:18
Living Bible (TLB)
" Such stupidity and ignorance! God has shut their eyes so that they cannot see and closed their minds from understanding."

Jude 16 These men are murmurers, complainers about their lot in life, following their own desires, and their mouths make grandiose boasts, while they are flattering others for their own benefit.

(Ecclesiastes 7:5, 6) 5 Better to listen to a wise man’s rebuke than to listen to the song of fools. 6 For as the crackling of thorns burning under the pot, so is the laughter of the fool; and this too is futility.

(Ecclesiastes 7:9) 9 Do not be quick to take offense, for the taking of offense lodges in the bosom of fools.

The discoverer of the “law of gravity,” Sir Isaac Newton, was another who was deeply impressed by the evidence of God’s invisible qualities that are to be seen in His creation. The following account relates how Newton testified to his belief in Almighty God:
Newton once had a skilled mechanic make for him a model of the solar system. Balls representing the planets were geared together so as to move realistically in orbit. One day an atheist friend visited Newton. On seeing the model, he operated it, and exclaimed in admiration, “Who made it?” Newton answered, “Nobody!” The atheist replied, “You must think I am a fool! Of course somebody made it, and he is a genius.” Newton then said to his friend, “This thing is but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer and maker; yet you profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken has come into being without either designer or maker!”
Newton’s friend came to acknowledge that the great Designer and Maker of all things is God. Surely we, too, as we look on the marvels of creation about us, in the heavens and on earth, must acknowledge that an all-wise Creator made it all! How thankful we should be that this mighty Creator lovingly placed man here on this earth and that he is deeply interested in us!
2017-03-21 4:22 am
"God is love" according to 1 John 4:16.

Imagine what life would be like if God did not have love for mankind. We merely have to look at the awful history of this world with its human rulerships under its unloving and wrathful god, Satan the Devil. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 John 5:19; Rev. 12:9, 12)

This shows us how horrible the future would be if the universe were to function without the operation of God’s love. When rebelling against Jehovah’s rule, the Devil challenged the rightfulness and righteousness of God’s universal sovereignty. In effect, Satan claimed that his rule would be better than that of the Creator. (Gen. 3:1-5)

Though Jehovah permitted Satan to try to prove his side of the issue, such permission was temporary. In his great wisdom, Jehovah has allowed enough time to pass to expose very clearly the inadequacy of any rule other than his. The miserable record of mankind shows that neither humans nor Satan can provide what we need in the way of good rulership.
2017-03-21 4:18 am
If we didn't have a loving God he would have probably killed us all off by now instead of sitting back and watching us for hundreds of years destroy his universe with our inventions. Destroy babies before they were born. rap animals..Yes people do that. Use animals as test subjects in labs. Watch us create and use weapons that kill millions of people at a time. I mean if God was not love He would have no patience and would have wiped us all out by now, but there is a day coming when He will no longer have to suffer by seeing all the evil actions of man. A day when He will put an end to this madness and I believe that day is coming soon. God truly is love. Thank God He loves us enough to wait thing long for a soul like you and me to turn to Him. If it wasn't for His love none of us would have gotten the opportunity to escape His wrath which will come on all those who reject His love. Jesus is the only way.
2017-03-21 4:03 am
No. We only exist because God wills it and he only wills it because he loves us.
2017-03-21 7:35 am
We've managed pretty well for 30,000 or so years.
2017-03-21 3:41 am
since no gods exist - answer is YES.
2017-03-28 4:51 am
As a large percentage of wars, massacres and terrorist acts are motivated by religion with zero evidence of any "god" ever intervening - yes, it would likely be a far more peaceful and pleasant place.

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