Why do feminists only care about rape-victim-females?

2017-03-20 1:16 pm

回答 (13)

2017-03-20 9:02 pm
Feminists don't care only about 'rape-victim-females', Kirkland.
2017-03-20 2:13 pm
Because they don't think that men get raped even though if you were to include prison statistics, as a whole more men get raped than women. Another answer is that feminists hate men that don't see things their way.
2017-03-20 1:55 pm
probably to make a spectacle and cry. they love a good cry.

Cause it certainly isn't to learn the facts of what happened. i've seen many women "assume" the guy was a threat only to find out later she made it up cause she got caught cheating.

They never even bother to apologize to the real victim. They just turn the channel.
2017-03-20 1:30 pm
One thing you have to understand is... feminists aren't blank slates, they are products of their cultures. And our culture as a whole tends to treat male rape victims as either nonexistent, or the natural and obvious butt of jokes. So it's not surprising that many/most feminists don't take male rape victims as seriously as they should.
2017-03-20 1:23 pm
They give them (i.e. r-v-f) priority and special attention. Otherwise their main job is to take care of all females.
2017-03-20 1:23 pm
The same reason why the people who ask and respond accordingly to these questions have an immense amount of self-pity and a massive victim complex. Jesus, this 'feminists are satan!!11!!!11!1' shtick is getting old now. They're hardly relevant anymore. Anti-feminists need to disappear right along with them.
2017-03-20 1:19 pm
my feminist professor is a rape activist who works with women who are survivors
in class one of the students asked what about the men victims
2017-03-20 1:21 pm
Because most rape victims are female. Feminists look after female issues and men clearly do not want to stop raping females.
2017-03-20 1:20 pm
I don't feel bad for men who get raped by women. And I'm not a feminist or a woman. I'm a normal heterosexual man, and if you can get a hard on, then guess what pal, that's on you. If some ugly b*tch tried to rape me, I wouldn't get hard, and even if I do, who gives a sh*t? It's a p*ssy, it feels good. Not like having a giant cock thrusted inside you. I feel bad for men who are raped by other men, because that's hell, even worse for guys who get raped like that. Because men were not meant to be penetrated. I don't know how gay people do it.
2017-03-20 1:18 pm
You have to ask a feminist, but nevermind they might accuse you of harassment :'D
2017-03-20 1:20 pm
Because only females Can be raped according to law
2017-03-20 1:20 pm
because they're dumb as hell
2017-03-20 1:17 pm
Because feminists are under the impression that straight white men are evil and need to die

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