Why does Nicola Sturgeon think she has so much influence?

2017-03-19 5:08 am
Scotland only has the population of a large city yet Nicola Sturgeon is getting angry and trying to manipulate English MPs, thinking she has so much influence and power when she doesnt.

回答 (7)

2017-03-19 6:15 am
Because she's a party leader and the Scottish First Minister, so she gets to hob-nob with the big boys (and girls). So of course she gets delusions of grandeur.
2017-03-19 5:43 am
when a woman says clean the toilet or we don't have sex, then that's power
2017-03-19 11:18 pm
Because in her little world she does, in Scotland, there she is in a position of power put there by the Scottish voters/SNP members...trouble is with many politicians power goes to their heads and they think they can do anything they want
2017-03-20 5:13 am
Well she was Elected unlike Mother Theresa...

The fact that you are complaining about it suggests a subconscious inferiority complex and/or realisation that the new English 'empire' is imploding thanks to the brexiteers.

She has people backing her and honestly I think she's more likeable than May, has more relative support in Scotland than Corbyn has in England and would probably deliver on her promises unlike Philip Hammond, pulling ''the classic'' conservative U-turn. 100 points to the Tories for the entertainment! Takes us back to those days at the Bullingdon Club!

Her and Corbyn are constant headaches for the Tories. It's honestly quite funny, May knows too rightly that she can't control Sturgeon.
2017-03-19 5:12 am
i am suspicious of sturgeon.
2017-03-19 5:48 am
You'll be farting out of the other side of your butt when 50,000 bagpipers come over the hill and all the Campbells and MacNishes charge at you with their claymores drawn, John Bull.
2017-03-19 8:39 am
Because in recent yrs the Scottish people have voted the SNP into office, that boosted their ego and ego get bigger when they have a platform

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