Out of over a thousand religions,your religion is right,and your parents told you it was right as a child...does this not seem fishy to you?

2017-03-18 2:26 pm

回答 (9)

2017-03-18 9:48 pm
Out of over a thousand answers to a moderately complex mathematical problem, your answer was correct, and your teacher told you it was correct as a child...
Does this not seem fishy to you?

If it doesn't, then why does the religion thing seem fishy to you?
Is it your contention that it is impossible for someone to be correct?
2017-03-18 3:02 pm
Sure, my parents told me their religion was not only right, but it was the ONLY right religion in the whole world! But they had changed from the religion THEIR parents had brought them up in, to join a tiny little American group. Then, as a mature adult, I checked out what I'd been brought up to believe, found some of it was very wrong, and left that group. I switched my religion to another one.

This means that two generations in my family have rejected the religion their parents brought them up in. My own grown-up children have not been pressured by me to follow my new-found beliefs and have gone their own way. So that's three generations who have not fitted the stereotype you wish to question. I hope you are heartened.
2017-03-18 5:16 pm
My parents did no such thing, but I'm sorry to learn that yours obviously did.
2017-03-18 4:57 pm
A person can know with certainty Catholicism is the One True Faith by reciting daily and with care the angelic psalter of the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
2017-03-18 4:39 pm
I do not follow my parents in that. I came into faith as a young adult.
Why the unsupported slur! Is it because you prefer not to delve too deeply?
2017-03-18 3:26 pm
No. There's lots of people who grow up religious who abandon it as they age. There are lots of people who as they age become religious. What your parents tell you, as you become older you rationalize things, then form your own opinions.
2017-03-18 3:14 pm
no, since it was god who said it was right
2017-03-18 2:59 pm
It is right because it has been so validated by objective science, not because someone said so. You don't have a problem with 4 being the absolute truthful answer of 2+2. You don't have a problem with a lot of things you are taught, you just don't want an authority over your actions--but there is.
2017-03-18 2:35 pm
You have your facts wrong; I'm a different religion from my parents, and in my religion there is no such thing as 'one right religion'.

So the only thing fishy to me are your assumptions.

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