Do you really think we need a border wall when CYBER TERRORISM is on the rise?

2017-03-17 11:30 pm

回答 (8)

2017-03-17 11:38 pm
Of course, two totally different problems.
2017-03-17 11:44 pm
I don't think a wall is the solution.
If we want to minimize the undocumented immigrant problem, take away their ability to find work ... that's why they come here. We do that by stepping up the penalty to hire one and by creating a positive ID registry. The registry will also address voter fraud and identity theft.
They're still going to come here legally w/ a passport/Visa, then not go home. They're still going to go through the wall w/ forged documents. They will still go over, under around it like they do now.
There hasn't been a non-cyber, outside terrorist attack on the US homeland since 911. Domestic terrorism has been committed by US citizens. No wall will stop that.
2017-03-17 11:36 pm
What actor are you portraying. Dumb or Dumbest
2017-03-17 11:51 pm
trump like to build things with his name on it. This has nothing to do with the immigration and every thing to do with him.
2017-03-17 11:41 pm
That's like asking why we should lock our doors when we have such a good internet security system. It makes no sense at all.
2017-03-17 11:39 pm
Perhaps, but we need something to help against Cyber Terrorism.
2017-03-17 11:38 pm
We cannot stop cyber-terrorism. That's because most infiltrations come from within the targeted system. It's almost always an inside job.

As far as the wall is concerned, all we have to do is make it illegal for ANY employer to hire an illegal alien and allow those employers to ask for proof of citizenship. People who are here illegally would deport themselves. We wouldn't need a wall, border patrol, or ICE agents at all. All we would need is an agency that monitors businesses and fine them when they get caught.

The government would save billions of dollars and make a few bucks in fines and penalties at the same time. It would also put AMERICANS back to work, and not just jobs that Americans won't do. I know plenty of Americans that would love to be truck drivers, dry wall installers, carpenters, machinists, etc.
2017-03-17 11:34 pm

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