What could cause the temperature gauge to fluctuate ?

2017-03-17 5:10 am
I put key in ignition this morning, temp gauge fluctuated went right into the red then back down and back to red about 5 times. started engine continued to bounce around even while driving

I took coolant cap off but it still fluctuated. it did this for a while last year but stopped for a while but then I noticed it fluctuating again today.

car is a ford focus 2006 mk2 sport 1.8 tdci

any ideas to the cause ?


Is it possible a crack in the head or engine block could be the cause ?


It happens after I get in my car after it has been parked a while such as over night and put the key in the ignition, before I even start the engine it fluctuates, and often continues to fluctuate after starting the engine

回答 (4)

2017-03-17 7:51 am
Unplug the coolant temperature sending unit and see if the gauge still does that.If it does it's likely a bad gauge or a short in the wiring harness.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2017-03-17 10:46 am
Replace the ECT sensor.
2017-03-17 7:09 am
That seems like a loose wire to the sensor. All this time, you never had it looked at indicates how you maintain your car- or, rather don't maintain it.
2017-03-17 6:50 am
God created ****, Ford put it on wheels, of course you are going to have these problems

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:31:07
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