Girl I met at a party liked two of my Instagram posts, but she hasn't liked any of her guy friends' recent posts. Does this mean anything?

2017-03-17 1:55 am
I met a girl at a friend's 18th birthday party a couple weeks ago, and followed her on Instagram.

I posted two selfies recently, and she liked both of the posts. I also followed some of the other guys at the party, who happen to be some of her best guy friends. Surprisingly, I noticed that there were only one or two of their posts that she liked from a while back.

Does this mean anything, or am I overthinking the situation? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2017-03-17 1:59 am
just ask her out. see what happens. she's obviously still thinking of you if she's going through your Instagram.
2017-03-17 1:56 am
Means she wants to have your babies.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:30:39
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