When a large oak tree's roots rise ;out of the ground, is it all right to cover them with dirt? They're hurting the lawnmower.?

2017-03-17 12:24 am

回答 (7)

2017-03-17 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
You are retarded
2017-03-17 12:32 am
I dig the dirt away from the root, cut off the exposed section, and fill in the hole where the exposed root was. So far none of the trees I have done this to has shown ill effects.
2017-03-17 2:25 am
Unusual for an oak - more common with maples who have many side roots.....oaks have a central main "tap" root - - - is there solid rock under the topsoil?

Anyway: ask 10 "experts" and you'll get 10 answers. Some say it's OK to cut surface roots: we tried removing some on Norway maples - and they all died within 3 years. Some say it's OK to add earth on top of surface roots: I would just advise doing it very gradually. You might try building-up gravel around the surface roots so they can still breathe, then gradually add dirt over the gravel.

You should try to avoid them with the lawnmower.
2017-03-17 12:44 am
You wouldn't normally use a lawnmower round tree roots, you would use a strimmer.
2017-03-17 1:14 am
Since roots are intended to be underground , I say covering them should be good .
2017-03-17 2:53 pm
I have successfully placed sod between roots to level out the lawn around such roots, including for a large Spruce. Hasn't seemed to cause any problems for the trees.
2017-03-17 2:07 am
Thank you for this helpful answer! I meant to give it Best Answer. (haven't done this for awhile!)

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