wife first was unsure about no bra. Once out had no problem when men noticed. Is this something she has wanted?

2017-03-16 8:56 pm

回答 (16)

2017-03-17 8:00 am
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Yes, she wants men to notice her braless breasts. She might not have realized it until she tried it.
2017-03-17 7:08 pm
Yes, she loves the attention and she might be sending you a message to appreciate her body more and give her more compliments.
2017-03-16 9:24 pm
What? So you're mad that men has noticed your wife's breasts without a bra under a shirt? And if she was unsure, why would you think she wanted this? No sane woman wants strangers gawking at her and especially at her breasts. I don't think you have to worry about anything.
2017-03-17 6:58 pm
oh yes darlin she knows those nipples poking out are turning all those men on once she gets bored with that the next thing will be going commando (no panties) and wearing short skirts and not crossing her legs
2017-03-18 1:40 am
She really noticed how it affects you and liked it. So go with it and trust. Next, get rid of her panties. Well until period time.
2017-03-17 1:06 am
More likely it's just that she also got sick of the bra, once freed of it she saw the insanity of having to strap herself up all the time in order to not start riots.. when riots didn't happen, the need to prevent them went away.
2017-03-16 8:58 pm
she was unsure about wearing no bra but goes on topless beaches?
fantasy much?
2017-03-17 8:42 am
bet it was something YOU wanted-we know-
2017-03-17 7:57 pm
I think so, lol
2017-03-17 10:08 am
She wants to go commando too.
Your wife is a ball of fire!
You are Linda's husband right?
2017-03-17 6:42 am
Ask her. I am quite sure she didn't mind the attention and the looks.
2017-03-17 5:15 am
No. My husband encouraged me to go with no bra. She made her decision and is dealing with the consequences. If you have objections, you should have made them before she made her decision.
2017-03-16 9:06 pm
sounds like she gets no attention at home
2017-03-16 9:59 pm
Every woman wants to feel beautiful and appreciated. You are a good husband to let her have that and not be jealous or insecure like a weak little boy.
2017-03-19 9:53 am
you wanna watch other guys bang her dont you
2017-03-18 7:49 am
Ur a cuck

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