Christians,what do you think about the Old Testament claiming homosexuals "shall surely be put to death"?

2017-03-16 2:00 pm
That's an all-loving God!

A god so great...that he did nothing.

Syria is in crumbles,but your god is just too preoccupied telling people where to put their genitals.

回答 (19)

2017-03-16 2:05 pm
First off, I'm Christian, why do you think I'm going to run away from that verse lol? I won't. I like it. Secondly, that's not the quote. The quote is, Leviticus 20:13, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them". For their blood will be upon them. Complete the sentence there buddy boy and actually quote it right. The perverts bring it upon themselves with their disobedience. God said don't do it, they ignored him because they hate him, so they died. Simple as that. Can't do the time in hell, don't do the crime. I for one think homosexuality should be illegal, so why are you acting like I care that you quote something I as a Christian believe? Is that supposed to be your Trump card? Really? Muslims in other countries put the sodomites to death as well! Gasp! Gee.

In addition, why is it like that? Because first off, the middle east is a Godless hell hole. They're not believers and they follow a pedophile wife beater. Secondly, all of the suffering you can thank one individual for, Satan, that piece of fecal matter who started it all. Remember the garden? I suggest you read chapter one lol, obviously you didn't.
2017-03-16 2:03 pm
Who cares
2017-03-16 2:05 pm
God doesn't exist. The misogynist and homophobic a$$holes wrote the bible.

What do to you expect from bunch of iron age goat herders who thought middle East was the entire world, earth is flat and Sun revolves around the earth ?
2017-03-16 2:17 pm
In Syria, they actually do put homosexuals to death.

So why are you complaining about Christians but not complaining about Syrians?
2017-03-16 2:10 pm
looks like your mind is set, so i guess i don't need to answer.
2017-03-16 5:03 pm
people of the old testament that infriged God commandments will be offered a chance to be saved in jesus. Jesus went to hell when he died to preach the gospel for all those who were condamned in the past because they desobeyed God.

The bible tells us that God's will before the foundation of world is to save all human beings through his son jesus( Ephesians 1:3-4). The Era of salvation started when jesus came on earth 2000 years ago.

God is not unfair with those who were under the laws.

The law of God in the old testament was given as guardian until jesus came.(Galatians 3:23-24).
God did this, knowing that in our human condition we could never been able to obey all aspects of the laws. He knew that we will fall short at a moment and therefore we will reach out to his grace at a moment. He knew that human could boast if he could do everything by himself. That is why he gave many laws to obey to.

He wants to save us by grace in christ. That is why the bible says that jesus is the end of the laws( Romans 10:4) Meaning that we are no longer under the laws but rather under the grace when jesus came . And by faith in jesus ONLY we are righteous before God.
2017-04-16 7:39 am
ok, this is where we analyse and find out the truth;
on one hand, god says wars and other terrible things must happen while on the other hand, evolution predicts adaptability through mutations... people who believe in evolution shouldn't be worried at least the coming generations should be better suited to adopt to those conditions through mutations (survival for the fittest), i just don't why evolution believers always turn to god in this kind of situation
2017-03-17 8:09 am
Syria chose wrong god! What homeowner in their right mind would let ppl move into their house without setting ground rules for living in their house before moving in? Why would an owner let ppl move in, bring friends and trash the house without serious consequences? Who knows more about a house, the Builder or those moving in later? The OT demonstrated (on purpose) no one can live w/o breaking God's eternal Laws = why you need Jesus (OT [law covenant] proves NT [grace covenant] is true - NT explains purpose for both & to know right life vs wrong life = true love).

There are real reasons for not accepting gay and related behaviors as normal. Thus, not all who are against homosexuality are homophobic nor are all whom are against such behaviors coming from hate as a motive.

Pride comes before the fall of a man. Pride parades come before the fall of mankind. However, many confuse TRUTH (upsets & offends many) and HATE. Telling someone the truth does not mean you hate them. Many ways SEEM right but its end=death (Hell, where you live alone forever).

Sleeping with/marrying your own gender is in effect SLEEPING WITH/MARRYING YOURSELF which equals being LOVER OF SELF which is an abomination [God's VALID REASON against this practice (right vs wrong love)]. It wrongly distorts, merges and blurs God’s male/female creation differences, characteristics, attributes and purpose-Lev 18:22, Rom 1:26-32, 1 Pet 4:3-4: Gal 5:19-21: 1 Cor 6:18-20. Also, even 1 man/1 woman marriages cannot be rightly put together w/o understanding God’s purpose for it (why there are so many divorces).

Accepting, promoting or participating in gay lifestyles are against God. You cannot remain a Christian if you do these things. It mocks God. Jesus was not talking out 2 nor 1000s of sides of His mouth=no confusion = the truth that stands forever unchanged. Only one God can occupy true 360 deg infinity in all directions = God of Israel. Two or more true 360 deg infinities can not exist at the same time. Occupying this position you can never die = no other legit gods can exist.

Also, under the NT slavery (and killing anyone) was never approved. Neither God nor Jesus were ever into race nor were they ever against interracial marriage. What comes from God lasts forever. What comes from man, including his manmade religions & gods die with him. Why should God want you to live with Him forever if you do not want to know Him, His way, not yours?
2017-03-16 9:58 pm
The LAW does declare death to homosexuals adulterers and witches in fact all sinners so why preoccupy yourself with that one thing. Jesus came to pay the penalty of sin which is death. He loves you all humanity and gave His life for you and them. He lived a pure life while on earth and the ideal is we follow Him for our own benefit and ultimate good. Jesus as Son of God and Himself deity is in a better position to know God's heart on us, sin, and sexuality. Our identity isn't in whom we find attractive but in who God says we are loved and accepted blessed heirs if we (you me mankind) allow ourselves to be adopted by Him.
2017-03-16 4:32 pm
Actually, if you understood the verse at all, you'd realise that God was telling people where not to put their genitals.
2017-03-16 2:52 pm
Christianity, at its core, is an obligation to emulate the life of Christ in your everyday actions. The only way to fully do this, is to relegate the Old Testament to an interesting history of the development of Judaism from creation to the life of Christ, and to treat the exhortations of Saul/Paul as a probably misguided opinion of how to live ones life.
If you believe that God created man in his/her image, you come to the conclusion that God didn't create any imperfect people. The central message of the life of Christ is tolerance, love, helping others and caring for individual persons. Thus, Christians should love their neighbors, comfort the downtrodden, heal the sick, give alms to the poor, educate the coming generation and care for widows, orphans, the halt and the blind.
I know of no institutional church that holds this as their theology or mission, but it's right there, in the holy book.
BTW, I'm not Christian, but a big fan of the Christ.
2017-03-16 2:50 pm
Ok, this is where we analyse and find out the truth;
On one hand, God says wars and other terrible things must happen while on the other hand, evolution predicts adaptability through mutations. People who believe in evolution shouldn't be worried at least the coming generations should be better suited to adopt to those conditions through mutations (survival for the fittest), i just don't why evolution believers always turn to God in this kind of situation
2017-03-16 2:43 pm
Yes, Moses did that to Israelites. Then the priests of the temple of Jerusalem did that to the Jews. Now we are not governed by the law of Moses. We are governed by the law of the land we live in. The law is different in different nations. So consult your lawyer.
2017-03-16 7:38 pm
I think you're being intolerant, not understanding the cultural context of the situation...
2017-03-16 4:01 pm
Why are you asking Christians about an ancient Jewish civil ordinance that was never practiced by Christians?
2017-03-16 3:28 pm
its just punishment for law breakers

law breakers are evil people
2017-03-16 2:26 pm
shall, means in the future, and they don't say by whom.
So at some future date. all the gays will be put to death
like the first born sons of the Egyptians in Exodus
but it hasn't happened yet
2017-03-16 2:18 pm
You are probably referring to Levictus 20:13

You first have to look at the whole book in general. God commanded the death penalty on all sorts of things. I can name a few Adultery, disobeying your parents, worshipping idols, even eating shellfish. The reason why it was so severe, is because those tribes lived by the holiness code. So none of that will apply from today.
2017-03-16 2:11 pm
You're all mixed up.

Because you can just flip back pages of the bible, you 'think' (not sure
about that) that you can apply something about 3 THOUSAND years
ago or MORE to something today?

You apply today's ways, today's society to something THAT long ago?

I'd say 'are you crazy?', but I think I have this answer.

But Let's look anyway.

First, something you don't get. A DIFFERENT TIME, a DIFFERENT CULTURE,
a DIFFERENT people.

You are cherry picking, plucking something WAY out of context.

By 'out of context' before everyone yells up and down, I mean
that this was for a select group of people called the God's
CHOSEN PEOPLE, who became the Jews.

These people were to be CLEAN in all ways, free of diseases:
food laws, clothing laws, sexuality laws.

And it WORKED.

The Hebrews were healthier, and were not (usually) following
devil worship, sacrificing babies to the false gods.

Now, homosexuality is STILL DEADLY. In so many ways, but
you'll never LOOK. Look and you might SEE!
The ANUS. Know what it is actually FOR?
Know what is in poop?
Do you really think you can EVER clean your anus?
NEWSFLASH....never, ever.
Know what happens when you are banged?
Or when you bang?
Or any homosexual bangs?
There are tiny arterioles in the anus which BREAK.
Then guess what happens.
So, it's still evil, wrong, and has no part of Christianity.
A VERY LOVING GOD and a very dirty, unclean and evil society.
Which they are often so messed up, they have no other way
of coping.
I hope if this is YOU, you'll research, get out before disease happens.

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