What are the chances Im pregnant?

2017-03-15 8:48 pm
So me and my boyfriend have used the pull out method a few times but I m also on birth control, I m on day 2...going on day 3 of the placebos and still no period. But I have no other symptoms of pregnancy because I ve also been getting PMS cramps (at least I think that s what it is) and the mood swings, what are the chances?

回答 (4)

2017-03-16 1:29 am
You are on the pill moron why are you even asking this?
2017-03-15 11:17 pm
You are on birth control. When you are on birth control he doesn't have to pull out -- and it's not 'a method' anyway.'

Not clear why you think you might be pregnant. You just started taking the blank pills. It DOES take a few days for hormone levels to drop enough to trigger a bleed. So the fact that you haven't had a bleed by day 2 is NOT any kind of 'symptom' of pregnancy. It's 100% normal when on birth control pills.
2017-03-15 8:50 pm
If you're taking your birth control correctly, practically zero.
2017-03-15 8:55 pm
It's possible, I say wait a week and if it still hasn't come then take a pee test, but buy like 3 or 4 and use them all, if they are positive go to the doctor and make SURE you are peg!! No need to stress out your family if you actually aren't. Goodluck

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:17:04
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