
2017-03-15 12:25 pm

回答 (5)

2017-03-15 3:29 pm
Welcome. to join us for fun. All expenses will be shared equally.後一句用被動式,既不得罪人也可避免自已遭抱怨,例如明明是老板開除你,用被動式就可解釋為公司因故開除,畢竞老板難為又怕離職員工找麻煩,所以英文被動式有緩解作用。
2017-03-15 5:39 pm
IDIOM:-Let's go Dutch with wine,dine and have fun,enjoyment,pleasure and enjoy ourselves to share the cost of it with you.
2017-03-16 12:45 am
Shall we go round to the pub for a drink and go Dutch right. Yip
2017-03-15 3:09 pm
It all depends on how much you know about your friend.
Let’s get together for a blast. – Normally your friends should expect to pay their own fair share.
Let’s get together and go Dutch for a blast. – it's a clear saying, but it is normally not needed in Western culture.
Let me take you to have a blast – my treat. – You pay the bill.
2017-03-15 1:32 pm
Let’s go relaxing ourselves with wine by fifty-fifty, okay?

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