Help me answer a couple of my veganism questions please!!!?

2017-03-15 10:43 am
hey okay so ive been vegan for a month now and was just wondering if you can gain fat as a vegan? im not saying i have but i might have, i havent weighed myself but i dont eat that many processed foods, i eat relatively healthy. If i am in fact gaining fat, does my body just need more time to adjust to my new lifestyle? i eat when im hungry and i dont eat more than i need to on a daily basis.

回答 (10)

2017-03-15 11:18 am
It does not matter what you eat, if you are taking in more calories than you burn of through exercise then you will gain weight.
2017-03-15 10:46 am
when i first became vegan I was very consciousentious (sp?) about getting enough protein. so i ended up eating more calories that i was used to and started to gain one or two pounds a month. I was already exercising but I simply added a little more exercise to my routine and I then stopped gaining weight.
2017-03-15 10:06 pm
Anyo0ne who eats more calories than they burn is going to get fat. This has nothing to do with veganism.

That being said, vegans eat a high-carb diet which some people find really packs on the pounds. Paleo diet is the "new" fad for being lean/thin. Meat, fish and vegetables. No grain, no sugar.
2017-03-15 10:47 am
You absolutely can gain fat as a vegan. The idea that all vegans are thin is a myth. In fact, many vegans are overweight because they don't feel full eating only fruits and vegetables, and so they load up on carbs. Carbs make you gain weight more than meat and dairy do.
2017-03-15 8:35 pm
you can gain fat on any diet where you eat more calories than you burn.
And sweetie, ALL foods are processed or they would still be in the fields or running around in a pasture.
a vegan diet is carb heavy naturally. Carbs turn to sugar in the body which is normal and how the body uses them but excess carbs do turn into fat.
2017-03-16 11:52 am
You need to start paying attention to what you eat. Even as a vegetarian, it's very easy to get fat. Ask your doctor to recommend a book to help you learn about proper eating.
2017-03-16 1:15 am
Couple of problems you might have. Just being a vegan means little. Rather, it means that while you disdain meats, you may well fill that void with foods that Will make you fat over time-such as more rice, more pasta, etc. One does not just say, 'I hate the meat industry, so I won't eat it'. You need to do homework on What to eat, and stay healthy. Fresh fruits and veggies are always a plus (even for meat eaters), but just filling in the proteins you are missing with say Rice, is not healthy. Do your homework.
2017-03-15 7:40 pm
Yes of course you can gain fat on a vegan diet. You can even be obese. Vegans are still affected by the laws of physics just like anyone! If you're eating a lot of calories and not exercising, you'll put on weight.
2017-03-15 5:43 pm
Its simple - during a period of time, and a day is the best way to look at it, if you take in more calories than your body uses in that period then your body will turn some of the excess calories into fat and expand your reserves.
The human body is designed to store energy as fat, thus fuel, as we evolved in a place where food supply was not regular.


You cannot rely on eating when hungry to moderate your intake to the correct amount.
2017-03-16 1:23 pm
Yeah .. What is happening is your body is in shock. It thinks there the lack of food your giving it means there is less food and so it automatically starts to store fat instead you burning it off. This is a natural protection we humans have. And after your body gets used to the diet, your fat will drop off. However, if your body is doing this then this means you are doing something wrong. You are depriving your body of essential nutrients and proteins. Please go see a doctor to help you determine if you are missing something from your diet.
2017-03-16 2:26 am
Cut down on sugar, and products containing sugar (read the labels) and you will lose weight. When adopting a new diet it is easy to treat yourself with comfort foods, like energy bars and drinks, which pile on the pounds. Also watch out for hi-fructose corn syrup.

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