Is Ashley Graham a healthy role model?

2017-03-15 7:03 am
I looked it up and she's 5'9 and 201 lbs at her last measurement, which is a 29.7 bmi and classified as overweight, borderline obese, which obviously isn't healthy. But I also follow her on Instagram, and she posts a lot of workout videos and body-positive messages, and with the way she eats and exercises now, you can tell she's lot a little weight. She'd still have to lose about 30 or so lbs of fat to be classed in the healthy body weight range, but it looks like she's trying, and really taking care of her body. At least online... What do you guys think?

回答 (1)

2017-03-15 7:40 am
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BMI are dangerous, because I know guys who were fit and healthy but categorized as borderline obese. BMI don't tell the full story. Body positivity isn't saying "yay, become obese", it says "yay, we are all different and unique, we should celebrate that". We don't ALL have to be thin, tall, with huges breasts. As long as Ashley is aware of her health, that is all that matters. It isn't our job to judge. I do think she is crazy gorgeous.

Is she a role model for an ideal weight? No, probably not. Is she a role model for not hating your body and working what you got? Absolutely. Is she a role model for there being more than one type of beautiful? Absolutely.

That being said, I'm a tiny, 5'2 and 104 pounds.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:37:42
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