Men, what would you think of your son being named after you?

2017-03-14 7:49 am

回答 (5)

2017-03-14 8:21 am
I'm a 4th with an IV at the end of my name, and I want to be more original than my parents were.
2017-03-14 8:08 am
Since i am from an old italian family. Thats not permitted. I must name my kids after my parents. Frank for a boy sally for a girl
2017-03-14 8:04 am
I would be very proud of that fact. That my name lifes on in the family.
2017-03-14 8:02 am
Either way he inherits the lil' bastard somewhere, whether as a name or based off of what I was like. My name is synonymous with lil' bastard.

2017-03-14 7:50 am
I'd like that, I was named after my father and I wouldn't want any other name. I think Greg is a great name. Gregory is a name that sounds good when you're a little kid, and it sounds good when you're an old man as well.

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