Buying a car?

2017-03-14 12:00 am
I'm getting a car this summer and I want a car I can pay monthly. What are some good sites or dealer ships where I can get cheap
used cars?

回答 (6)

2017-03-15 9:17 pm
OK where do you live you idiot,, We don,t have access to where you live
2017-03-14 2:51 pm
Car loans are for responsible adults with good credit and stable full time jobs with income over $1800 a month.
2017-03-14 2:09 am
Any site that advertises cars in your area. You must be able to go see the car, test drive it, have it inspected by a mechanic, look at the title, and talk to the seller/dealer face-to-face.

Craigslist is popular site for finding cars but be sure to read the scam warnings, which actually apply to any web site that lists used cars for sale.

If you need a loan ("pay monthly"), you'll need to be at least 18 years old, have good credit, and have a steady full-time job making sufficient income.
2017-03-14 12:15 am
First we need to know what you call cheap. I call anything under $20,000 cheap, do you? Look around, private sellers may be best for you but never, never, never buy because he/she said. Unless you know them, assume they are not trueful. Have the car checked out or go by what you know and see in how good the car is.
2017-03-14 12:13 am
If you're looking for specific dealership recommendations, it would help if you mentioned WHERE YOU LIVE...

Generally speaking though, if you want a cheap car, buy it outright with cash-in-hand. Lenders do not generally loan money for less expensive vehicles. The only ones that do are the Buy Here-Pay Here lots but they're generally known to sell overpriced cars and charge you and an arm and a leg in interest for the privilege of doing so. Stay well away from them.
2017-03-14 12:02 am
Any site or dealer near you with good reviews.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:31:05
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