Which sentence is grammatically correct and why ?

2017-03-13 11:11 pm
first sentence : Could you recommend some books on psychology ?

second : Do you have any books on psychology to recommend ?

I kinda feel both are same and correct. The first question is the one I asked someone today and she corrected me and told me to say "Do you have any books on psychology to recommend ? and I was surprised because I found nothing wrong with the way I said the first sentence

So which out of the two is appropriate and correct and why ?

回答 (3)

2017-03-14 7:01 pm
well, the first one sounds correct to me , too...
but it sounds to me it night depend- to some extent- on the setting -as well...
2017-03-13 11:20 pm
I'd go with the first one. I don't like the second one, it just doesn't sound right for me.
2017-03-13 11:14 pm
I hate English grammar, if someone can understand it, then there's nothing wrong with it, fnck what people say.

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