Is there a way to verify if someone really is a physician?

2017-03-12 10:57 pm
I've been dating a guy for 9 months that claims he's a resident physician in California.

For some reason, my intuition is telling me something is off. He texts me frequently throughout the day and sees me 4 nights a week (i know resident physicians are extremely busy and most are lucky to meet up or go on dates a few times a month). As well as finding an old dating profile he created a few years ago that said he worked in finance.

Is there some website I can go into, type in his name and verify credentials? I can't believe I'm asking this but something just seems so off and I'd really like to verify.

回答 (4)

2017-03-12 11:03 pm
Check any things you can find in his social media accounts. Ask him if you can come by the hospital some time to see where he works. Ask him what Med. School he graduated from, what his speciality is, how long does he have left in his residency, things like that.
If you don't trust him you should just leave.
2017-03-12 11:00 pm
call the place where he says he works
2017-03-12 11:07 pm
2017-03-12 10:58 pm

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