Why does Catherine from France answer all of my questions?

2017-03-12 4:00 pm

回答 (7)

2017-03-12 4:06 pm
😉 Bonjour, Hello

WOW .. You asked questions about me no less than 7 times! ... !o! Or, how many times did you click?
Anyway for answer your question (yes again!):
'' It's because I find them interesting ''.
If it can reassure you, I never pay attention at ' who ' asks them. I only notice the question itself.

~~ Have a great Sunday ~~
2017-03-12 4:03 pm
2017-03-12 4:25 pm
That I'm not sure, maybe she likes your questions
2017-03-12 4:13 pm
You bore catherine

Why you not like to kiss?

Didnt your parents ever teach you to respect a lady
2017-03-12 4:06 pm
Idk, but if she shows up, Bonjour!!!

J'ai vouidrais une glace...delicieux...
2017-03-12 4:10 pm
because she wants to lick your face.
2017-03-12 4:05 pm
she likes you.

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