Moving to San Francisco?

2017-03-12 10:59 am
I'm considering moving from Dallas, Texas to San fransico what's the biggest differences between the two? Any advice?

回答 (4)

2017-03-13 2:27 am
The biggest difference you will find is with the people. They are uber liberal and shallow. Your Texan values will be laughed at. I came from the suburban Dallas area to a rural area where plaid, boots and cowboy hats are norm, and then to SF. Whenever I dressed with just ONE of those items I got laughed at and they thought I was dressed for Halloween. Really narrow minded. Their values are all backwards... all anyone over there cares about is how new and nice of a car you have, how much money you make, it is all about prestige... if your car is over 3 years old, you'll get scornful looks and nasty comments thrown at you. It is all about prestige there. Uppity schnobby people.

As for climate, it is humid and windy all the time because it is on the ocean front. It is sometimes halfway decent during the day, but almost always windy. The evenings get realllly cold. It is very congested.

There's plenty of things to do and places to go, especially if you love the arts, music and nature.

I had to move from there because I could not stand the shallowness of the people, nor the expense of living there. At the time (about 20 yrs ago) a single bedroom home outside of the city would run you 500,000.
2017-03-16 3:50 pm
Good choice. I would hate to live in TX, even though Dallas metropolitan area is a little more diverse than the rest of the state. San Francisco of course has a lot of diversity compared to Dallas, is very picturesque, has very comfortable weather, beaches, etc. It is a lot more condensed and densely populated than Dallas and there are a lot of homeless people pretty much everywhere you go. Also a lot more gays, and conservatives in SF are like an endangered species.
2017-03-15 12:57 am
This is an older question but I've been away. Being a life-long vagabond........ I put Dallas on the list of the most boring cities in America, first off. So anything will be an improvement, to me. As for anonymous, above, everybody finds their place in any given body of society. If your place is with shallow, judgemental people then so be it. Otherwise, use the first rule of life - adapt or die.

The weather today, outside, here in downtown SF, is just stunningly beautiful.
2017-03-13 1:12 am
I dont know what Dallas is like but San Francisco is ultra-liberal politically. It is small in size and dense and very expensive, almost as much as Manhattan. The climate is on the dry side but cool.

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