Is demonic possession real?

2017-03-12 8:03 am
Is demonic possession real? How does possession work? How do a demon possess someone's body? Do the person look different?

回答 (10)

2017-03-12 8:07 am
Demons do not exist so how can they possess anyone?
2017-03-12 8:06 am
demons are not real so of course possession is not real
2017-03-12 8:05 am
No, it is not real. There is no evidence anywhere of demons.
2017-03-12 8:10 am
No. It's imaginary. Sometimes it's someone with a mental illness that other people claim is a demon, or the ill person may think its a demon. This leads to the ill person being injured or killed. Sometimes its a hoax. Sometimes its an accusation used to target someone the accuser just doesn't like.
2017-03-12 8:08 am
Demons only exist in the mind - they're also known as mental illness.

If you want to expel demons, go to your local mental health care facility and keep asking for anti-demon pills until they give them to you.
2017-03-12 8:08 am
No, of course not.
Magic does not exist.
2017-03-12 9:24 am
As real as unicorns and leprechauns. Aren't you sad!
2017-03-12 8:09 am
Yes,look in the mirror.
2017-03-12 8:47 am
If you ever watch exorcisms of people, such as catholic videos, nothing happens that can't be psychically done by any person. No objects float around the room, the person doesn't levitate off the floor, or claw up the wall. They will simply scream, say bad words, maybe reach their arms around behind their backs, but all this is something anyone could do.

This is were you get into a very good possibility that people are taking easily done actions, and jumping to conclusions they are caused by unseen forces, when they are not.

The things that would tell you it really is supernatural never happen while you are actually there except in movies and videos that are most likely doctored up. Any Catholic video taped for of such events never have obvious supernatural things happen in them, almost as if it's just a natural occurrence that people want attribute a supernatural explanation to.

It always boils down to saying "I felt they had demons on them", "I saw a vision of demons around them." "They seemed to be oppressed by some presence." Etc.
2017-03-12 9:21 am
the devil is real but God is great, Jesus is the brighter morning star, there are several different types of possession and demonic possession does some to be one kind,yes

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