women !! if u are in a relationship,how long would you wait for a proposal??

2017-03-11 2:28 pm
i wanted to ask how long will u wait before u walk out of the relationship, what would u do???

iam asking wht would you do iam not asking a solution !!!

回答 (3)

2017-03-11 2:43 pm
I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years and there is no proposal in sight and I am okay with that BUT marriage is not something that is important to me. If marriage is something that is important to you and something that you must have then you have to decide when the right time is but I would give it a minimum of 4-6 years and make it known loud and clear that it is important to you.
2017-03-11 2:31 pm
Depends. I would never rush into a marriage because I would want the other person to actually want to be married and not to be forced in it. A marriage is just a title.
2017-03-11 2:36 pm
5 mins

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