At what age do you think it is appropriate to let your child walk to school alone?

2017-03-11 1:51 pm
I walked to school alone for the first time was at the age of 15 years old. My parents used to sent me to and from school everyday until I was 15 and I was the only person in my entire high school who can't walk to school and back home alone. In my opinion that was inappropriate

回答 (3)

2017-03-12 6:16 am
Depending on the area and the traffic, children should be allowed the freedom to walk to school, or the bus stop at about 6-8 years old. Parents can keep watch, but forcing a teen to have a parent take them to school and pick them up prevents the child from becoming self sufficient
參考: 38 years in business
2017-03-11 2:53 pm
I was 5
2017-03-12 4:31 am
I was 5.

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