Is it wrong for me to get mad because my neighbor has a dog that is acting aggressively towards me?

2017-03-10 7:24 pm
I live in an apartment and my neighbor living in the unit beside mine has a Rottweiler dog. The dog has been acting aggressively whenever I happen to see it at the corridor and void deck. The dog would bark loudly, show it's teeth and even attempted to pounce at me once but fortunately was restrained by my neighbor. I think the dog is posing danger to me. What if the leash snapped? It would have attacked me. I have talked to my neighbor about her dog but she kept denying that the dog is harmful. Then one day, when I was in the elevator and when it reached the ground floor, the door opened and the dog was outside. Although it was leashed, it attempted to charged at me. It was running towards me, barking manically but my neighbor caught the dog before it attacked me. I caught the cops after the incident. I told the cops what happened and that the dog is too dangerous to stay in this apartment. I hope the authorities will confiscate the dog. But they did not. The authorities said they can't take away the dog just because I have a "phobia" of dog. But the fact is that I'm not having a phobia of dogs, it is really threatening my safety. I'm thinking about having a lawsuit with my neighbor because of the dog. Is it justified?

回答 (14)

2017-03-10 7:34 pm
Report it to your landlord, and if the dog does bite you his insurance will need to pay and he may lose it. He will be very interested.
2017-03-10 7:54 pm
You need to call the landlord and report this to them. They are the one who's liability insurance will be zinged when a dog bite claim has been filed.

Your neighbor has a right to take the dog in and out of their apartment and access the common areas of the complex - with the dog on a leash. You also have the right to use these areas. You ALSO have the right to use them WITHOUT being "threatened" by a another neighbor .... be it by a growling and barking dog lunging to get at you.

Since you have a legitimate concern for your safety .... see if you can get some behavior of this dog on video to present to the Landlord when you go into their office and tell them of your concerns.
2017-03-10 7:33 pm
the dog can smell your fear. carry some dog repelant spray like the mail people use in case it does attack you. Pretend the dog isn't there and just ignore it. You could also talk to the apartment managers about the dog.
2017-03-10 7:41 pm
If it isn't restrained on a lead in a public area then yes you have a case. Before that try a last resort - get a bag of smelly dog treats and with your neighbours permission - throw the treats in front of the dog and speak kindly to it - then it will see you as a reward and probably not want to attack you. You don't have to pet the dog or like the dog or neighbour but it might make your life easier than living next door to someone whose dog you got put to sleep. The dog is protecting the owner - so make yourself no threat and it might solve the problem.
2017-03-10 8:25 pm
Don't waste your time getting mad - get even, which means reporting what's going on, with vid. back-up if possible to the management of the complex. I'd need to be able to SEE what's going on there - are dogs allowed in any case?
2017-03-11 12:02 am
The dog hasn't bitten or physically attacked you. Right?

Maybe just keep walking next time you see the dog and its owner. Ignore, avoid. The dog knows you're scared of it, so he gives a reaction to your fear. So like i said, just ignore
2017-03-10 9:44 pm
How about putting your adult pants on and mind your own business? As long as the dog is leashed/under control and/or securely contained ignore it and move on. Perhaps seek professional help such as therapy for your phobia.

Sure go ahead bring a lawsuit, you will lose and will end up paying not only your court costs but also the neighbors for bringing a frivolous lawsuit, wasting the judicial system's time that could have been spent on actual more serious cases. That's the reason judicial system is is so short handed because of people like you.
2017-03-10 7:34 pm
No - you should shoot the dog on site - or pay one of your friends to do the job.

Assholes get dogs and then demand that you live with them. It's some passive-aggressive thing that assholes do. And if anything happens to their doggy-woggy (who wouldn't hurt anybody) gets hurt or dead, they cry like babies.

This is the way that an abused and abusive person can move the misery and horror of his own life into YOUR life.
2017-03-19 2:36 am
as long as the dog is under control of the neighbor the dog isn't a threat to you... if your neighbor keeps a loaded gun in their apartment and you feel threatened by it, they still can keep the gun as long as they don't point it at you...

you might ask the neighbor if they can help you making friends with the dog... you could start by throwing the dog a dog treat... or they could feed the dog a dog treat every time the dog sees you as a first step... eventually the dog shall be happy to see you 'cause the dog associates you with good things like dog treats...
2017-03-16 2:09 pm
if it isn't restrained on a lead in a public area then yeah you have a case... before that try a last resort - get a bag of smelly dog treats and with your neighbours permission - throw the treats in front of the dog and speak kindly to it - then it shall see you as a reward and probably not want to attack you... you don't have to pet the dog or like the dog or neighbour but it might make your life easier than living next door to someone whose dog you got put to sleep... the dog is protecting the owner - so make yourself no threat and it might solve the problem...
2017-03-15 5:03 am
you must have done something... just ignore the dog and move on... you don't need to go near the dog... there are better things to do then get mad at stupid little problems like that...
2017-03-10 9:28 pm
As long as the dog is under control of the neighbor the dog isn't a threat to you. If your neighbor keeps a loaded gun in their apartment and you feel threatened by it, they still can keep the gun as long as they don't point it at you.

You might ask the neighbor if they can help you making friends with the dog. You could start by throwing the dog a dog treat. Or they could feed the dog a dog treat every time the dog sees you as a first step. Eventually the dog will be happy to see you because the dog associates you with good things like dog treats.
2017-03-11 7:55 am
You MUST have done something. Just ignore the dog and move on. You don't need to go near the dog. There are better things to do then get mad at stupid little problems like that.
2017-03-10 11:33 pm
Chances are that this dog isn't singling you out. It probably barks at everyone that walks by it. You are the only one bothered by it. The owners should be outside supervising their dog - but that applies to ANY dog tethered outside. You can't sue anyone for just owning a dog that you are scared of. WTF is wrong with people like you.

Ignore the dog when you walk by it. Ask to meet the dog or give him some treats so that the dog isn't threatened by you. You are walking near a dog and constantly giving off a fearful emotion - what other way should the dog react to something like that? Go at it from a positive perspective and be a decent human.

If the family has a rottweiler there probably are no breed restrictions in your apartment. And if he hasn't actually harmed you - stop being a douche and just ignore it.

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