in a paragraph, explain how deportation splits illegal families?

2017-03-10 8:45 am

回答 (12)

2017-03-10 11:20 am
It doesn't. Everything that led up to splitting up of families was due to decisions made by the illegal parents.
2017-03-10 10:43 am
Deported illegal make a choice to leave their anchor kids in the US, instead of them going with their parents, all those anchors are also the same nationality as their illegal parents, so it is the illegals making those choices. Also US citizens marrying illegals, the illegal is deported and the US citizen chooses to remain in the US...all down to the choices THEY themselves make
2017-03-10 8:48 am
exactly the same way it did under obama... during which time the same people criticizing trump today were crowing how obama was "deporting a record number of illegals"...

...and yet, despite that "record number" I don't recall ever seeing a TV news story or "heartbreaking" blurb on a site like Yahoo! or Huffington showing children crying as nasty ICE agents lead away their parents..... you know, like they've been showing virtually every day the past couple weeks.....
2017-03-10 4:13 pm
Deportation NEVER "splits up families." Both immigrants & illegal aliens who abandon their children in their homeland when they go to another country are the ones who "split up their families." Illegal aliens who are deported, but fail to get their children passports from their country of citizenship & take them with them, instead abandoning them, are the ones who "split up their families."

All they have to do to keep their children with them is get them passports from the parents' country of citizenship. Children have birthright citizenship in their parents' country of citizenship wherever the child is born!
2017-03-10 10:51 am
bring in more latinas
2017-03-10 8:55 am
they deport parents.
2017-04-17 8:50 am
it only splits families, where the family wants it to.................. the entire family is welcome to return to nigeria or wherever, but the spouse and any kids who has right to remain here, don't want to go and live in a third world country
2017-03-31 11:48 am
it only splits families, where the family wants it to...................................................... the entire family is welcome to return to nigeria or wherever, but the spouse and any kids who has right to remain here, don't want to go and live in a third world country
2017-03-30 12:41 am
it only splits families, where the family wants it to.................. the entire family is welcome to return to nigeria or wherever, but the spouse and any kids who has right to remain here, don't want to go and live in a third world country
2017-03-10 8:51 am
Do your own homework.
2017-03-14 8:44 am
it only splits families, where the family wants it to...... the entire family is welcome to return to nigeria or wherever, but the spouse and any kids who has right to remain here, don't want to go and live in a third world country
2017-03-11 2:49 am
It doesn't, as there's nothing preventing the family members of a person that's being deported to join that family member in his or her home country. So if daddy gets deported back to his home country of Mexico or Guatemala, mommy and their children can join daddy there and live together as a happy family.

What does split families is if a criminal gets convicted and put in prison. There mommy and the children cannot move in with him for life. But whose fault is that?

That out of the way, can you explain in one paragraph why pigs only fly at night?
參考: An immigrant from Europe, I live on the American Riviera and work as an attorney in Santa Barbara, California.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:20:42
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