Are the warmer winters lately really because of climate change?

2017-03-09 4:54 am
So I live in Louisiana and we barely had a winter at all this year. Got really cold for a total of maybe around two weeks and that was about it. Apparently we aren t the only place that has been experiencing an abnormally warm winter though. I also remember last year they were talking about record heat temps around this time as well. Leo Dicaprio even mentioned it in his oscar speech. But I just dont really understand how it could change that drastically it such a short period of time. I mean I remember a couple of years ago we had that whole polar vortex thing and it was freezing for weeks. We even got constant snow/ice warnings down here(which as you may have guessed is highly unusual). I really don t understand global warming much as I have not studied it or given it the attention that I probably should. Its just a frustrating thing to talk about I guess. Its like how can we possibly hope to fight the forces of nature? Plus there is a lot of ignorance and a lot of misconceptions regarding this topic.

回答 (8)

2017-03-09 5:43 am
No , its just the way Jet streams operate
2017-03-09 5:02 am
I'm going to New Orleans in April for vacation so I'm hoping the nice weather continues. In fact the differences in climate on a global scale are less than 10ths of a degree over a decade so no it isn't due to our CO2 emissions. It is weather. If Leo were so concerned about CO2, he wouldn't have such a gigantic carbon footprint. When they talk about record heat on a global scale, they typically talk about a tenth of a degree here and there and most of the warming is from the poles where there aren't too many people and fewer thermometers.
2017-03-09 5:22 am
Averaged globally, about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit of the temperature increase is because of global warming. The rest is ordinary fluctuations.
2017-03-09 6:36 am
Because of climate change, warmer temperatures become more likely and colder temperatures less likely. That's why there are consistently more record highs than record lows these days.

The larger the time frame and area considered, the more these changes can be blamed on climate change. A winter is getting to be a fairly long time span, so the odds of a warmer winter are greater now, and the odds of a colder winter are less...although both can still occur.
2017-03-09 5:55 am
Global warming is the average temperature of the earth, it's not very noticeable at most latitudes yet--though at far northern and southern latitudes, the ice is shrinking quite a lot. Global warming affects the polar regions first because they get the least sunlight, so greenhouse effects will be more noticeable there.
2017-03-10 3:13 am
Yeah, every time it is unseasonably warm I say Global Warming! And every time it's really cold I scream Nuclear Winter!
2017-03-10 12:21 am
You bet they are. Though that's not the real problem. The real problem is 'season creep'. Agriculture depends on planting during a particular weather regime and harvest in another. Worldwide that's getting messed up. The agricultural products planted can't have 'warm weather', followed by cold, followed by hot...You might check out this aspect of the situation.
2017-03-10 1:32 pm
We are pretty sure they are. 90%+ confidence

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