WHAT is true happiness ?Happiness sometimes can seem elusive and yet it is the greatest quest in our life’s journey. HOW?

2017-03-09 1:28 am

回答 (18)

2017-03-09 3:48 am
Happiness is an emotion. Even a broken TV knob can turn to channel 2. You have to be damaged to not feel happiness and you have to be deranged to feel happy all the time.

Like saying "oxygen can be elusive but it is the greatest quest in our life journey." Just rubbish.
2017-03-09 1:36 am
Depends on who you ask. To me true happiness is doing what I love and spending quality time with those I love. Some people spend their lives searching for happiness when it's right in front of them the whole time. Oftentimes it's the little things in life that bring the most joy and happiness. A smile or kind word from a stranger, a rainbow after a storm, time spent with a good friend, watching your child take their first steps, puppy kisses, etc.
2017-03-31 11:35 am
true happiness is whatever it is for whomever...

the person with the happiest mean dynamic emotional being is the one that chooses to be...
2017-03-16 2:51 pm
True happiness comes from within, from accepting facts/ truths about yourself and those around you as they are. Stop chasing happiness from outside sources or it will forever be elusive. Instead start getting comfortable with YOU, be realistic with YOU. Be full on straight out, no holds barred honest with yourself and then laugh at yourself for always taking yourself so seriously! Make peace with who you are and what you've done then let it go! It's not always easy but that's how you start.
2017-03-16 12:52 pm
True happiness is joy in truth. It is seeing God face to face for all eternity with perfect felicity in the Beatific Vision.
2017-03-12 10:35 am
true happiness is whatever it is for whomever...

the person with the happiest mean dynamic emotional being is the one that chooses to be...
2017-03-09 12:45 pm
Only those who are innocent like a child and those who have crystal clear mind and pristine pure heart can know what is true happiness. Other people will see right as wrong and wrong as right.

For them happiness may be unhappiness and unhappiness may be happiness. It depends on their approach to the issue of happiness.

Happiness is in fact inbuilt and it is inherent. We are all existence, knowledge, bliss, truth and peace absolute. No power can separate these five. All of us should have such self knowledge or self recognition.
參考: own
2017-03-09 11:16 am
Some cannot imagine greater happiness than merely being able to feed and clothe their family without continual worry.

Others think the greatest happiness would be to live in royal castles and to travel in a golden coach. Still others mean to find it by seeking fame and honors, high positions and renown.

Few seem to comprehend that neither wealth nor honors can ever make a person truly happy, but that in happiness resides a force that will provide, of all the treasures of this earth, to every individual precisely what he needs to lead a happy life no more, no less.


2017-03-09 2:28 am
First of all, I disagree with your premise that happiness is the greatest quest of everyone in life's journey. There are people, sometimes called saints, who sacrifice their lives in the service of others and live with deprivation and pain on a daily basis. You may argue that this makes them happy, however, that then poses the question as to what happiness is. Synonyms are contentment, enjoyment, freedom from care, and pleasure.
I do not think the people I refer to enjoy seeing suffering, the injustice or the many disadvantages the downtrodden endure. They sacrifice their personal happiness in trying to bring some joy to others. As to why it's often elusive. That's easy. It's because many people do not know how to find it. They are seduced by a world that defines happiness in terms of material possessions and the metrics imposed upon them by their culture. Long ago I decided the pursuit of happiness was too ephemeral and transitory to devote my life to finding it. Instead I became one of those discontented souls who see more of the ugliness than the beauty of the world and have spent a life fighting lost causes. It has brought me a sense of a life measured in what little I've done to change the world, but it has not brought me happiness. Finally, it is characteristic of the human condition that we are programed to never be content with the status quo. The rich tend to want to be richer; the educated to learn more, the artistic to create better works of art, or music or literature. So I suppose the true nature of happiness is the ability to realize and appreciate the gifts and blessings that we have along with the aspiration to improve our quality of life. You might consider one last possibility. It's one that being both an idealist and a romantic I believe: love is the greatest quest in life's journey.
2017-03-09 11:20 am
"True happiness arises, in the first place, from the
enjoyment of one's self, and in the next, from the
friendship and conversation of a few select
companions." - Joseph Addison

Happiness is often associated with the presence of
favourable circumstances such as a supportive family
life, a loving marriage, and economic stability. Kali
Yuga, the age of darkness, is the time when these
favourables are difficult to find.

Unfavorable circumstances - such as abusive
relationships, accidents, loss of employment, and
conflicts - diminish the amount of happiness a person
experiences. In all nations, factors such as hunger,
disease, crime, corruption, and warfare can decrease
happiness. However, according to several ancient and
modern thinkers, happiness is influenced by the
attitude and perspective taken on such circumstances.

From the observation that fish must become happy by
swimming, and birds must become happy by flying.
Aristotle points to the unique abilities of man as the
route to happiness. Of all the animals only man can sit
and contemplate reality. Of all the animals only man
can develop social relations to the political level.
Thus the contemplative life of a monk or a professor, or
the political life of a military commander or
a politician will be the happiest according to their own

The following is the self-reported positive affect
(i.e. positive emotion) during the day by 909 employed
women in USA:

Activities and their positive effect index:

Intimate relations 5.10
Socializing 4.59
Relaxing 4.42
Pray/Worship/Meditate 4.35
Eating 4.34
Exercising 4.31
Watching TV 4.19
Shopping 3.95
Preparing food 3.93
On the phone 3.92
Napping 3.87
Taking care of
my children 3.86
Internet 3.81
Housework 3.73
Working 3.62
Commuting 3.45

Interaction with partners:

w/ friends 4.36
w/ relatives 4.17
w/ spouse/Significant
other 4.11
w/ children 4.04
w/ clients/customers 3.79
w/ co-workers 3.76
w/ boss 3.52
alone 3.41



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