你好, 父母年老現住唐樓( 他們是業主),但日日行樓梯使他們吃不消,等幾十年也未收回從建,想把唐樓做 ( 送契 )給我和哥哥,因倆老想申請公屋,這做法可申請到公屋嗎?如果將來有從建收樓,會否有影響! 謝謝解答!!?

2017-03-08 4:06 pm

回答 (2)

2017-03-09 6:00 pm
The answer is no. In fact, based on the scenario, it will be illegal if your parents ever apply for public housing.

Public housing is provided on need basis. When your parents transfer the ownership of the property to your brother and you, it will be considered as an illegal transfer as the intent of the transfer is to hide assets from the Housing Department.
2017-03-10 4:16 pm

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