Is Donald Trump so perfect that he hasn't ever been wrong? Or so he and his followers think the man is God, he is always right never wrong.?

2017-03-07 7:56 am

回答 (7)

2017-03-07 8:02 am
No thinks that , no one beleives the bull from the liberal press
2017-03-07 8:22 am
Would you like to cut the cr@p and listen for a minute? Why do people support Trump?

It didn't have to be Trump. It could have been anyone.

But 17 of the finest Republicans and 2 of 3 Democrats were good. Especially Bernie who, as a person, is very good! (The Dems screwed themselves, there. No hope of blaming the other party).

What did Trump do that was right?

We, the ordinary people, unable to affect policy -- other than to march til our feet fall off only for a bill named the way we want but doing the EXACT SAME THING as if we had never marched -- have discussed major problems for decades and even gotten local legislation passed to deal with these problems. But the feds not only ignored their OWN EMPLOYERS, they literally nullified all the work we did locally.

Anyone -- from EITHER party -- taking the stage last election, could have done what Trump did and mentioned the issues in a way that signaled to us, he knew these problems were real and must be dealt with for the PEOPLE of the United States.

Nobody but Trump dared say a word.

Illegal migration and use of resources.
Border security.
Keep Mideast terrorism in the Mideast.
Stop being a market global (forgive the term, please) market global whore
Match tariff with tariff and combat real-world currency manipulation
Bring manufacturing -- and especially the engineering necessary to make it happen -- back Home
And a heck of a lot more. Brilliant guy!

We are not living in Pollyanna land. This crud is real.

2017-03-07 9:13 am
not at all, he has done plenty of sinful deeds like any other guy with loads of cash and popularity. is not, nor will he be perfect. But, most Americans--Reps, Demos, and Libs knew Hillary was evil as the devil himself.
2017-03-07 11:16 am
No but it's fun watching him crush the media everyday everyway
2017-03-07 8:01 am
2 Timothy 4:3-5 describes false religions. They accumulate teachers for themselves. Not putting up with the helpful teachings. They want to have " their ears tickled".

Here it means he hires people to only say what he likes to hear. If they don't, he gets more who will.

False religion and Trump seems to have much in common.
2017-03-07 8:01 am
Trump thinks he's never wrong. He's never apologized for anything, ever. And remember, his organization, since the 1980s, has filed over 4800 lawsuits.

As for not being "Obama", well you got that right.
2017-03-07 8:00 am
No, he just distorts reality to make it look like he was right

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