My private health policy only covered cancer treatment for up to 5 years, That's just ended and I've had my first CT scan on the NHS. Will the radiologist obtain my previous private health scans for comparison before writing up their report?
Your medical files will have details of all of your scans private or not. it is the Oncologist who looks at the scans, the radiologist just takes the pictures.
Going private makes no difference. your files will be transferred to the NHS.
I have only had one experience with going to a private company. Then my doctors surgery refused to even look at their report. I dont think any scans from a private will be on your record. You can only tell your consultant you had previous private scans.If he or she is interested then ask if they are on your record,if not you will heve to give details of this other company.
I believe they think if you have gone private you should stay private ?