I hate Jesus, he's done so much bad to me?

2017-03-06 3:11 am
He's taken away everyone I loved in my life, I hate him, all praise to the devil.

回答 (4)

2017-03-06 3:57 am
You are am idiot! Satan is the one that got us all into this mess.

Only God and the Christ can stop it and return the planet and its people back to paradise conditions God left them in.
Somewhat like all those teen comedies in the 80s. Teens in charge of the house while parents off on a trip, after throwing a big party they were never supposed to happen, they get a call of dread! Parents will be there in a few hours. The teens get everything cleaned just before the parents show up. So too, God allowed a specific time for Satan to prove his challenges to his Right to rule his creations. That time is almost up.

Then comes the destruction of Satan's wicked organization. Followed by God's Kingdom, the heavenly based government, being set to include all of Earth under its rule.

There is NOTHING Satan can do that God cannot fix and make better.
2017-03-06 3:14 am
Jesus hasn't taken anyone away, the one you praise (the devil) has.
2017-03-06 3:22 am
I do not worship iblis, I worship GANESHA
2017-03-06 3:18 am
If you want to get revenge on jeebus, say he's about as real as your mom's t*its. god lunatics hate it when you say stuff like that.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:15:54
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