I think going to court would be absolutely fabulous. Under scrutiny of legal and politically unbiased investigation and cross examination, the alternative facts would be set apart from the real facts. In which case, Trump would be in deep dark yogurt.
Then maybe there'd be an impeachment...of the President.
Obama is not president. he cant be impeached. Furthermore, Trump just made that lie out of thin air to deflect the news from reporting about all the numerous Russian ties with his administration
The majority of these comments seem to push an agenda, so I'll have to elaborate. Democrats seem overly focused on "ties to Russia," even though said ties are perfectly fine and are not condemning whatsoever. These "democratic" officials, however, have been caught in all too real scandals recently, like Hillary Clinton and her espionage and primary rigging. The difference is when democrats are being investigated, there's usually proof. (like Wikileaks) I am an independent who was for Bernie in the primaries, so don't get butthurt about parties.
And that information came from Breitbart.
Hardly a credible source of anything you would call news.
Clearly a feeble attempt by the alt-right to deflect the attention away from their Russian scandal.