Do you feel bad for people that are from Mexico that're being deported but did nothing wrong PLEASE READ DETAILS BEFORE ANSWERING?

2017-03-04 11:44 pm
Let's be honest here Mexicans have helped the Economy if they deport many hispanics the U.S could potentially starve Some of the people being deported are good people and have helped out others and they're being sent back to where ever they're from which could be extremely dangerous and migrated to be safe

回答 (13)

2017-03-05 12:07 am
If they are here without legal documentation they have done something wrong, if they stayed here after a visa expired they have done something wrong, if they entered the country illegal and remained they have done something wrong. What is your point?
2017-03-04 11:56 pm
If a Mexican invades the U.S., then he or she has broken the law. If a Mexican or anyone else for that matter, enters LEGALLY, then WELCOME!!
2017-03-04 11:50 pm
There is nothing wrong with living one's whole life in Mexico. Millions of people live their whole lives in Mexico.
2017-03-04 11:53 pm
Hmm! Why not go through legal methods?
2017-03-05 8:57 am
They did something wrong the second they crossed the border illegally. They must go back.
2017-03-05 8:08 am
If Trump has ice & imigration officers near the polls in midterm elections. The DickUcraps just lost 1 million votes Nation wide. Throw in drug sniffing dogs near the polls & 2 million votes. This is of great concern to them. Votes. Not what they cost America crimes & such. So true Americans pay 1 billion a year in extra tax's for there stay here. That money could be better spent here. Then the money they send to Mexico to build Mexico at American cost. It adds up. They are a net drain on America. So time for them to go. Fill the jobs they leave with Americans for even more gain.
2017-03-05 12:54 am
"from Mexico that're being deported but did nothing wrong" So breaking the law is not illegal? Huh!

No one says illegals are bad people, the action they did was it was/is criminal........ how many US citizens are unemployed, all of them could have work and temporary work permits for additional migrant workers can be applied for, meaning legally in the US to 'feed America' so no America will not starve,Illegals do not ever 'help the economy' they are always a drain on the economy
2017-03-05 12:40 am
Huh? If they did nothing wrong, they would not be deported.
2017-03-04 11:55 pm
On an individual basis I empathize with people who have to return to the country of their birth. However on a collective basis, there are millions of people who are legally trying to emigrate so why should some be able to cut in front of people who are acting legally? The United States simply cannot afford to accept everybody in the world who wants to come here - it has been estimated that 100 million people would come here if they could.
2017-03-08 2:09 am
i think it's wrong but xenophobic white supremacy people shall disagree, we know their mentality and that's the unspoken truth that everybody denies
2017-03-05 11:59 am
I think it's wrong but xenophobic white supremacy people will disagree, we know their mentality and that's the unspoken truth that everybody denies
2017-03-05 10:40 am
Every illegal did something wrong
They violated US law under that law they need to be deported
2017-03-05 2:04 am
Illegal aliens are LAWBREAKERS! They did do something very wrong. Mexicans illegally present in the US do nothing to help the US economy. In fact, they cost a very great deal more per year than they can contribute in a lifetime. Illegal aliens in the US have cost American taxpayers over a TRILLION dollars per year every year since at least 2002! Illegal aliens from Mexico send so much money to Mexico that they are Mexico's third largest source of income & foreign exchange!

Americans will NOT "starve" if illegal aliens from Mexico depart or are deported. Very, very few work in agriculture to begin with, and there are temporary employment visas available if agricultural workers are genuinely needed. Most agricultural jobs can, in fact, be mechanized, and very few are really needed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:17:51
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