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2017-03-04 3:26 pm
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回答 (2)

2017-03-04 4:16 pm
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I'm against about primary school students(pupils/students) bring their own mobile phone/smartphone to their school.

1. The self-control of primary school students (pupils/students) are not very good(或 are poor), so that they may use their smartphone during lessons. Students are affected by the "world of smartphone"(手機裡的新世界) easily therefore they cannot focus in the lesson or even they will affect/worsen(影響/惡化) the relationship between students. I also think that this is the unrespect action for teachers.(對老師不尊重的行為)

2.Primary school students are hyperactive,(好動) but they may lost or broke their smartphone when they playing and running. What do we do at the moment?(可解"現在"或"那時候") They cannot always call parents and go to the school look for teachers! If the smartphone was stolen and use for the illegal activities, the result will be inimaginable.(不可想像)

3.About values issues,(關於價值觀的問題) primary school students likes to compare which smartphone is better or not. How about the litle kid who fail? They think that their smartphone are not good enough, they bring their own to make them disgraceful(丟臉), so they will clamoring(吵著) for a new smartphone to their parents after home. What the signification(意義) when their parents had given(當初給他們) them smartphones? That was just the opposite to what one wished(適得其反), right?

2017-03-04 9:39 pm
I stand against the trend to let the pupils bring their smart phones to the school. Pupils tend to lack self-control ability, so it is imaginable that they like to play smart phone during class. And hence deviation from norm is expected or even results into a lacking of bond between classmates. And I deem it as a behavior of having no respect for teachers.
Pupils tend to play around each other, and it easy to get their phones lost. At then what should be done. It’s a bothering thing for their teachers, supposing their parents asking school teachers’ help to find it. Suppose the pupil’s smart phone is stolen by someone and illegal things were done, the consequences are hard to imagine.
There is also a concern about value judging, they tend to compare with each other on who have the fashionable smart phone. Then how about the pupil with the non-fashion one, who possibly will argue with his parents to have a fashionable one. Besides, it is against the pure reason to enable their children to be connected while required, the side-effect is unavoidable.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 17:21:48
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