I need help translating English into Chinese.?

2017-03-04 4:53 am
I need to translate " Please Join Us - Everyone is Welcome" into Chinese. Thank you.

回答 (2)

2017-03-04 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
請加入我們 - 歡迎任何人参加.
Oh, the above short sentence, I guess is written on a placard.
So, I translate "everyone" into “任何人” meant anyone.
Basically we translate “everyone” into “每個人”. The difference between “任何人” and “每個人” is, you possibly have a relation between you and everyone, for example, you are delivering a speech. But normally you don't have a relation between you and anyone, for example, on a placard, you are soliciting people to work with you to clean the garbage on the beach. - Oh, my English is still poor, I'm here in Taiwan to browse this website and try to learn something from this website.
2017-03-04 4:57 am
Ello. We welcom u. Plizz jon uss.

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